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[ptp-dev] a note on bugs


In the past we've been fixing bugs and then leaving the status as RESOLVED and the resolution as FIXED. There are actually two more status types: VERIFIED and CLOSED. The intention is that once a bug is resolved, it will be tested (normally by the QA contact) and at that point changed to RESOLVED. Once the release happens, these bugs are then changed to CLOSED.

Now that we're becoming more "official" we need to be more vigilant about the bug status and who will QA the bugs. From now on, please make sure that all bugs are verified.

It seems sensible if the person QAing the bug is not the same as the person fixing the bug. So I propose the following:

Component:Owner:QA contact
Debug Core:Clement:Greg
Debug UI:Clement:Greg
Debug SDM:Greg:Clement

I suggest that the QA be responsible for finding out how to test the fix. Component owners will need to provide this information when request by the QA.

I'm going to go through as many bugs as I can to start verifying. I'd appreciate it if others could do this too.


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