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Re: [ptp-dev] PLDT build failure and MPI Fortran debugging error

Sorry about the delay in replying.

On Jun 28, 2006, at 2:21 PM, Beth Tibbitts wrote:

(1) PLDT does not pre-req the ptp debug components, so i will have to let
Greg or others answer (Greg is on vacation until next week; perhaps
Clement? can answer)
      I don't see that file in the project I'd assume it's in :
org.eclipse.debug.core -- guessing from the name.
However in an older project I can see it was there - the CVS comment
from Clement (kchu) says "Replaced IPDebugInternalConstants with
IPDebugConstants" on 6/21.
Are you sure all your other files are the latest from CVS? Perhaps
you have an older file that still references it.
       What file gave the error?

Yes, PLDT should not depend on any of the ptp.core or ptp.debug components. Clement has been making some changes to the debugger, so make sure you've updated to the latest version of HEAD.

You should be able to run the PLDTcomponents (MPI and OpenMP tools) even
without the ptp runtime and debug components; give it a try.

(2) Perhaps Craig can answer the Fortran/FDT question...  And
Craig/Clement/Nathan the debug questions?

The FDT editor was pretty simplistic. I think it only managed syntax highlighting and that was about it. The Photran editor is much more sophisticated, as well as providing a fix-format mode for those old F77 programs. Craig has rolled all the FDT functionality into Photran, so you should start using that. I think Craig recently built a Photran feature to make it easy to install. Check http:// for info.

The debugger currently uses gdb to debug Fortran (same as CDT/ Photran) so it is dependent on gdb's Fortran support. Worse, gdb's type support is pretty awful, so it may be that you are running into a bug with SDM trying to work out the type. Please open a bug on this so we can take a look (provide compiler details, etc.)

On the bright side, SDM is just using the MI interface to communicate with gdb. Any debugger that implements this interface can actually be used. Intel's idb is one such debugger (Fortran support unknown). Absoft were (are?) working on MI for their FX2 debugger, which should be much better at debugging Fortran.




Beth Tibbitts  (859) 243-4981  (TL 545-4981)
High Productivity Tools / Parallel Tools
IBM T.J.Watson Research Center
Mailing Address:  IBM Corp., 455 Park Place, Lexington, KY 40511

             yang ke
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Subject [ptp-dev] PLDT build failure and
             06/28/2006 12:40          MPI Fortran debugging error

             Please respond to
              Parallel Tools
             Platform general

Hi, all

 I come across some problems, hope you will help me, many thanks.

(1)  I checked out PLDT project from CVS(2006/06/24) ,but it failed to
build on Suse Linux 10.0,Eclipse-3.2-SDK-RC7,CDT3.1:

 Cannot resolve

 Beth, can you show me some clue? Thanks.

(2) I used FDT to create a Managed Make project, with gfortran type. It seems like FDT doesnot format a source program to Fortran77 format. Maybe I have not mastered this tool . : - ) In project settings, I see more
than one compilers, one for C,and one for Fortran, do I have to set C
Compiler to gfortran(mpif77) or just let it untouched if I want to build a
pure Fortran program?

(3) Does sdm debugger now use gdb to debug fortran program? I wonder how
well gdb has supported fortran program.
(4) When I debug a simple MPI Fortran program, there comes an variable
view error when processes hit a global line breakpoint:
    EVENT_DBG_ERROR 02 38 could not convert simple type

 following is a slice of the log :

org.eclipse.ptp.debug.external.core.commands.ListLocalVariablesCommand @eced18

<00000010 LLV 9:323a303200>
AbstractProxyDebugClientgot event EVENT_OK 108 2:2 6 5:6572727300
5:6965727200 5:6E616D6500 8:76657273696F6E00 A:726573756C746C656E00
got debug event: EVENT_DBG_VARS 02 {errs, ierr, name, version, resultlen,
<0000001d EEX 9:323a303200 9:6572727300>
AbstractProxyDebugClientgot event EVENT_OK 112 2:2 38
got debug event: EVENT_DBG_ERROR 02 38 could not convert simple type
    --- Abs debugger:
===================== event:
org.eclipse.ptp.debug.external.core.commands.ListStackFramesCommand@67 7ea2
<00000017 LSF 9:323a303200 3:3000>

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