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[ptp-dev] New Branch on ptp.core and ptp.ui


I've established a new branch on org.eclipse.ptp.core and
org.eclipse.ptp.ui.  It's called NG_20060523.  There is an
associated root tag with the name Root_NG_20060523 on the
main trunk, from where the branch branched.

Tianchao and I will be working on this branch to develop
the new resource manager extension point.  We will be merging
from the HEAD onto our branch on a regular basis.  If you are
planning major commits to the HEAD of ptp.core or ptp.ui please
let Greg, Tianchao, or me know soon.

Randy M. Roberts
work: (505)665-4285

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."  -- Benjamin Franklin

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