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Re: [platform-dev] Supporting Workgroups (this is not about "team support")


I have included your scenario as a possible use case to be addressed in the 3.0 work planned for providing sharable user settings (see Future postings will be made to eclipse-dev (and platform-vcm-dev) related to this subject.

Michael Valenta

"Dr. Michael N. Lipp" <Lipp@xxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

06/05/2003 05:09 AM
Please respond to platform-dev

        To:        platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        [platform-dev] Supporting Workgroups (this is not about "team support")


eclipse has coined the word team in a way that makes it
very difficult to talk about any other aspect of team
collaboration. I'd like therefore to stick with the term
workgroup (meaning a team of cooperating workers).

Now, this is what makes it almost impossible to use
eclipse in our environment: We have teams working on
different projects. Team members may be in different
teams, i.e. may work in different projects (not on
a day-by-day basis, but within a month).

Formalisms in the different projects are driven by
customer requests. This means that we have customer
specific templates, layout rules (yes we are not
happy about this) and other
differences between projects that must be reflected by
the preferences settings within eclipse.

What we need before we can really use eclipse as main
IDE is a way to specify base preferences (which can
possibly include all aspects from display tab with
to task filters) for each project. It should be
possible to specify for each proference if it may be
overriden by a user. Preferences should automatically
be switches when the user toggles between preferences.
Team-wide preference settings should be files checked
in in CVS.

Are there any plans to implement such a functionality?

Do you have any experiences with or workarounds for
workgroup-wide eclipse setup?

Would it be worth for us to have a closer look at
plugin-development or is our requirement beyond the
scope of plugins?

Any help appreciated. Thanks.

  - Michael

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