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[platform-dev] Working directory not setting correctly


I am using Eclipse with OC4J. I have setup the project and compilation goes
fine. In order for the project to run properly, the working directory should be
set to "d:\oc4j\j2ee\home". I have updated the launch configuration for the
same. This dir contains "oc4j.jar" which has the main
class "com.evermind.server.OC4JServer". Though, I have specified "-cp oc4j.jar"
in the VM args, it is still not able to find the class file. However, if I add
the jar to classpath, this error disappears and some other problems appear as
the directory is not set to oc4j home dir.

Any clues what could be wrong?

I appreciate your help.

- Nitin

Nitin Patil
Phone: +1 408-853-8889
Email: nipatil@xxxxxxxxx

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