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Re: cannot launch Eclipse (Re: [platform-dev] Eclipse for Linux on PPC)

Thanks, it works now - yippie!
One should really adhere to the howtos and download the SDK instead of
believing that sources would be included in the srcFetch or srcIncluded
distributions ;-)

Is there a way to turn an existing srcFetch-build into some kind of
distribution tarball? Or should one just rip out *.java in the tree and
tar it up?

Thanks again, 

On Fri, 2003-05-30 at 15:32, Grant Gayed wrote:
> Robert,
> You'll find in
> <eclipseRoot>/plugins/org.eclipse.platform.source_2.1.0/src/org.eclipse.platform_2.1.0/ .
> Grant
> st@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent by:
> platform-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
> 05/30/2003 04:57 AM
> Please respond to
> platform-dev
>         To:      
> platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
>         cc:        
>         Subject:      
> cannot launch Eclipse
> (Re: [platform-dev]
> Eclipse for Linux on
> PPC)
> Hello, 
> I built eclipse-2.1 on YellowDogLinux 3.0 with j2sdk-1.3.1 using the
> srcFetch method.
> The shared libs for gtk are also available.
> Building the laucher wasn't possible because I wasn't able to find
> in CVS or in the srcIncluded - package.
> When trying to launch eclipse invoking the Main class java just exits
> silently without any error message.
> I'd be really thankful for any hint, the goal seems so close now.
> Thanks very much, 
> Robert
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