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Re: [platform-core-dev] New platform NLS support

Bob Foster wrote:
I'm still missing a piece. Translation is typically done after the fact, without access to the source code or requiring a re-compilation. Further, the selection of which national resource to use must be dynamic. It sounds very much like in this scheme key names are constants in the code, like:

public static final String KEY1 = "hello";

How does this change to "bonjour" when I am in France?

Ok, I can answer the second question myself if the answer is, the selection of which class to load is dynamic, based on country code, like fragments.

And the answer to the first question must be, translators must run their generated classes through a compiler, but they don't require access to any other source code.

I'm also guessing if the user changes nationality dynamically, as you can do on some platforms, he has to restart Eclipse. Which may not be a change from the previous story.

Sorry. Didn't think it through before posting.

Bob Foster

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