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[pde-dev] swt application not runing(pls help)

I have a simple swt applcn.I have set the build paths by selecting swt.jar.Its compiling with no errors.Then i set the configuration using run->run..->java application and for that particular swt applicn i set the VM arguments fields as:
-Djava.library.path=D:\eclipse 2.1.0\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.swt.win32_2.1.0\os\win32\x86
Where D:\eclipse 2.1.0\eclipse\plugins\ my root installtion directory
My project name is org.eclipse.test.(which is plugin project).My project tree is like this:
   --src(this folder automatically done while creating blank plugin prjct)
     --org.eclipse.test(package name) swt applicn)
Now when i run(as java applicn)i get error as:
   "could not find the main class.Program will exit"
Can anyone tell me From beginning how to execute swt applicn.which project i have to create. plugin project right?

Steven Sequeira

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