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[pde-dev] Problems running Plug-In in Non Runtime Workbench

Hello All,

I hope someone can help me here because I'm going mad on an Issue I am running across all the time.
I don't even know wether I'm sending this to the right mailinglist. If not so please contact & foregive me but I'm desperate for help! I know this Issue has been on the mailinglist over and over again, but no solution seems to work for me.
Here's my Problem:

I am currently developing a plugin which "extends"/uses an existing command line tool. Running the whole Project in the Runtime-Workbench works just fine, but as soon as I run the exported Plugin in a new "normal" Workbench everything works fine view and Button wise, but the call of the other tool does not seem to work properly, as I get a nullpointer exception, when I try to access the results the tool should have provided. The class of this "Tool" is found, at least so it seems, I've tested it via a msgbox right before I wish to access the results and it the class name at least is ok.
Due to the nature(Not eclipseterminology) of this Tool I have a packet-structure which could be the source of the error.
I've tried 3 ways:

1. : 	org.bla.whatever.toolclasses(plus subpackages)
	org.bla.whateverplugin.Pluginclasses(plus subpackages)

2. : 	Plugin 1 org.bla.whatever.toolclasses(plus subpackages)
	Plugin 2 org.bla.whateverplugin.Pluginclasses(plus subpackages) with dependencies set to Plugin 1
	(Similar to ant structure)

3. : 	org.bla.whatever(Toolclasses +
	(All in one Plugin)

I've edited the over and over, and still it only works on a runtime workbench.
I've even included the old Tool.jar as a dependency allthough the build should(and does) allready contain the classfiles needed.

Hope somebody understands my Problem and figures out a way to help me! The office window is starting to look more and more attractive ;) (just a stupid joke)

Thank you for your help and for your time that you've allready spent reading u to here :)
Thanks & Greetings


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