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[papyrus-ic] [picrac] Quick reminder: webinar tomorrow

Hello everyone.

I just wanted to send a quick reminder that we have a new webinar from the Research/Academia committee tomorrow Friday, Sept. 9th at 4:00pm-5:00pm (Europe), 10:00am-11:00am (Northamerica). 

Several members of the committee will do short 10-minute presentations on their area of research, as a way to introduce our members. 

Tomorrow we have the following speakers:

Federico Ciccozzi - Mälardalen University
Raphael Faudou - Samares Engineering
Philip Langer - EclipseSource
Shiva Nejati - University of Luxembourg
Dorina C. Petriu - Carleton University

The connection information is the same as usual:
I hope you enjoy the talks,

Ernesto Posse

Ernesto Posse

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