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[papyrus-ic] [picrac] Research/Academia wiki page and research priorities

Hello everyone.

As many of you will know, the Papyrus-IC wiki is not ready yet, so we have decided to use the Papyrus-IC section of the PolarSys wiki at for the time being.

For those participants in the Research/Academia committee we are going to use the following URLs:

The second link is intended to collect the proposals for the research priorities. These proposals are not intended to be final, but rather they are intended to be a starting point for the discussions so that we can converge on a few. 

We would like to ask people to submit their research priorities to the second link provided above, as soon as possible so that we can start the discussions.

Note that you will need an Eclipse account to submit changes to the wiki. You can obtain an Eclipse account at

Also note that because this is hosted in the PolarSys wiki, all contributions are moderated, so when you save yours you will receive a message saying that your change has been sent to the moderator, and will appear once the moderator approves it. We are trying to streamline the moderation process, but we ask for your patience while this gets sorted out.

If you are having trouble submitting your proposal, you can send it to me and I'll add it to the wiki.

To start, each proposal should provide the following information (you can use the format provided to enter it in the wiki):

= Your name =

* Institution/Organization: 

* General research area(s): 
:: (E.g. analysis, execution, code generation, product lines, methodology, etc.)
:: ...

* Detailed information:

** Context/motivation:
::: ...

** Specific problem(s) of interest:
::: ...

** Objective(s):
::: ...

** Potential interested parties:
::: ...

** Other information
::: ...

If you have any questions or feel that some additional information should be provided, please do let us know.

Thank you

Ernesto Posse

Ernesto Posse

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