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[open-regulatory-compliance] Next steps and book the date for the next meeting

Dear All, 

As you are all aware, the primary objective of the working group we are forming is to develop open specifications to address the needs of the CRA. While last week’s “interested parties” meeting touched on next steps with respect to participation in the Eclipse working group, and enabled all those in attendance to express in a few sentences their reasons for participation, we did not get a chance to touch on how we expect to proceed with the open specifications. 

As a result, we will hold a follow up “interested parties” meeting on 13 June 2024, beginning at 14:00 (CEST). We will share further details separately.

In the interim, we wanted to inform you that, starting on June 3rd, we are onboarding Tobie Langel (UnlockOpen) as a consultant to lead this technical aspect of the initiative. Many of you already know Tobie, but for those who don’t, Tobie brings significant expertise in both open source and standardisation, having notably contributed extensively to W3C standards, practices, and processes. Engaging Tobie at this stage will allow us to accelerate the development of the open specifications, and is part of Eclipse’s commitment to a quick and successful launch of the initiative. 

We are also working to set up a few resources that will allow us to collaborate on drafting the specification project proposals. FYI, specifications developed at Eclipse are managed as Eclipse open source projects, and are governed under the Eclipse Foundation Specification Process. We will provide much more detail on this as time progresses, but to get you started you may wish to read Wayne Beaton’s blog on Collaborative Specification Development

Gaël Blondelle

Chief Membership Officer | Eclipse Foundation AISBL

P: +33 (0) 6 73 39 21 85 | Twitter | LinkedIn

Rond Point Schuman 11 - Brussels 1040 - Belgium

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