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[oniro-wg] MoM - Oniro WG Steering Committee 2022wk19

Dear Oniro ecosystem members,

## MoM Oniro Steering Committee 2022wk19

please find the Minutes of Meeting (MoM), approved on 2022-05-26. I forgot to 
publish them, apologies.


Please find on gitlab the approved minutes from previous meetings.


### MoM key points

Please bare in mind that we reorganised the subgroups and repositories on 
gitlab last week so some links might not work. Contact me in such case and I 
will provide here the right ones.

"#### Program Plan 2022 consideration and approval

During the previous Oniro WG SC Session the Oniro Program Plan candidate was 

* Please find the Program Plan candidate in .pptx , .odp and .pdf versions in 
this folder of the repository: #link <

Since then, different improvements has been introduced as well as format 
improvements. They are all included in the 
Oniro_Program_Plan_2022_draft_20220505 presentation, where you can find in the 
same folder than the candidate.

#link <>

Please review the changes. The Oniro_Program_Plan_2022_draft_20220505 is the 
version that is proposed for approval.

* Agustin provides a quick run-through to the few changes described above
* Execution will run in 2023 (Sharon asked)
* Everyone has had sufficient time to evaluate, so we are moving to vote
* All approve
* The Program will be finally formatted, presented and approved by Executive 
Director and the SC will have the opportunity to verify the final commit.

### Budget 2022 consideration

The Oniro 2022 Budget was sent to the oniro-wg-steering-committee mailing list 
on 2022-04-29. The attached file can be found in gitlab: #link <https://

The request is to confirm this budget as Support for the Program Plan 2022.

* Sharon summarizes what has already been presented
* A resolution to adopt it is presented and unanimously approved

#### Oniro Release Roadmap Process Approval

* The Oniro Release Roadmap Process is in the following #link <https://
* The current version (commit) is b3a6bee1:
   * Check the history of the wiki page #link: <
   * Check the specific version proposed for approval #link: <https://

It is requested for the Oniro WG SC to approve the Oniro Release Roadmap 
Process commit b3a6bee1

* A resolution to approve the Roadmap is presented and unanimously approved

#### Oniro Release Roadmap Team Members appointment

[comment]: #  Candidates to be appointed by the Oniro WG SC:
[comment]: #  * xxxx from xxxx
[comment]: #  * xxxx from xxxx

[comment]: #  Candidates appointed by the Oniro WC SC:
[comment]: #  * xxx from xxxx
[comment]: #  * xxx from xxx

As per the approved Oniro Release Roadmap Process, the number of Members 
appointed by the Oniro WG SC is 3 (maximum). 

* Amit candidates himself
* Davide candidates himself

* No objections is raised, appointment is approved

#### Resolutions

* Approve the minutes (41d1c4f7)
* Approve the Program Plan 
* Adopt the Budget
* Approve the Release Roadmap Process
* Appoint Amit and Davide as part of the Roadmap Team

#### AoB  (restricted meeting)

* Short discussion on what happens in case of absence of one member for 

### Oniro WG SC All Members Meeting minutes

Opens at 15:36

#### Program Plan approved

* Please find the Program Plan draft in .pptx , .odp and .pdf versions in this 
folder of the repository: #link <>

#### AoB  (Open Floor)

* Agustin mentions that as soon ED approves the budget, it is going to be sent 
over to the members of the WG."

Best Regards

Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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