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[oniro-wg] MoM - Oniro WG Steering Committee 2022wk13


## MoM Oniro Steering Committee 2022wk13

please find the Minutes of Meeting (MoM), approved today.


Please find on gitlab the approved minutes from previous meetings.


### MoM key points

This are the key points of the meeting

"### Oniro Goofy Roadmap Approval

* #link to the current epics <

Davide describes the single points that are problematic (in terms of 
confidence we have enough workforce to complete them in time), or are outright 
struck out for the same reasons.

* #link to the proposed roadmap to approve <

Questions and objections?

Amit: no.

Davide: container and optimization we know matter a lot to prospective 
partners -- if we end up not achieving 100% we need to prioritize we'll be 
less appealing, so we need to work with them which kind of features are 
minimum set to be viable for them to join.

Agustin: How do we re-approve any changes in requirements from here to the 
next one-two months? Davide: any requirements that needs to be done within 
Goofy needs to be brought to the attention of the SC, otherwise no chances 
will occur.

A: if in one month we have RM in place, what we can do is bring it again and 
approve changes. D: yes, it would be minimal.

Sharon -- this is a document that is going to be approved, so it needs to be 
in the agenda and circulated well beforehand so people can take informed 
decisions, has it? Davide: it has. Sharon -- Everybody needs to be have a 
chance to review diligently. Davide: anyway if a member requests more time 
he's allowed and we can wait until the next SC or we can have an electronic 
vote in the intervening time.

Carlo suggests that the roadmap is "sealed and marked" as a result of today's 
approval, circulated to be discussed in the following days in case there are 
unnoticed modification or points that went unaddressed. Agustin asks to have a 
PDF to be put on Gitlab whose address is shared with the SC members.

### Resolutions

- Agenda is approved

- Minutes of last meeting are approved

- Roadmap for Goofy is approved (80% confidence). Roadmap will be transformed 
into a PDF and will be open for inspection at designated place until next 
meeting for final approval (of the document). #link to the .pdf version 

- Until the roadmapping process is approved, changes to this roadmap will need 
to be reviewed and approved. We will do a quarterly review and will bring to 
Oniro WG SC significant changes if there are.

### AoB  (Open Floor)

None, private part of the meeting is adjourned at 15:34

Open discussion participants are allowed to join.

### Roadmap process discussion

* #link to the diagram that summarises the relation between specs, initiatives 
and a release <>
* #link Infographic that summarises the process (draft) as well as relevant 
links <
* #link Roadmapping process description (draft) <

This is "public phase". Agustin re-describes the flow for forming the roadmap. 
Invites people to review and provide feedback during the intervening time, at 
the next meeting he will bring a further draft of the document.

Adrian: is it going to be run past the PMC? Agustin confirms for the release 
all the items must be approved. There is a need to avoid inconsistencies 
between roadmap and release. So the corner cases need anyway to be resolved 
within the Roadmap Team.

### Program Plan introduction

* Please find the Program Plan draft in .pptx , .odp and .pdf versions in this 
folder of the repository: #link <>

Agustin discusses:

- The program plan is upon the WG, EF can only support.
- Runs through the slides above referenced.
- No-brainers are no brainers.
- Program objectives is where decisions start needing to be made. For each 
there are strategies and tactics.
- Growth metrics are addressed.
- Member participation is discussed

We need to finalize the Program plan so that we start spending budget.

Davide is going to take over the process and go rounds to receive input from 
members and have the doc uploaded in 7 days so that everybody can add, 

Agustin takes the task of disseminating. We can have 1/2 hr next week to 
discuss the status of the document. Good idea for Davide. 3:30 CEST Thursday 
April 7th"

Best Regards
Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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