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[oniro-wg] Eclipse Oniro Platform release roadmap content (Goofy)


one of the relevant points that was approved in the 2022wk13 Oniro WG Steering 
Committee meeting[1] was the content for the first Eclipse Oniro Release, 
which is expected at the end of this year.

There are two links that are relevant to you in case you are interested in the 
roadmap content.

## High level Oniro Platform Release Roadmap Items

The following .pdf includes the main elements. In black you will find those 
who are expected to be delivered. In red you find those that, although 
intended, right now we cannot cover them for a variety of reasons.


Please bare in mind that the plan has been done with around 20% uncertainty at 
this point.

### Oniro Platform Release Roadmap Initiatives

If you want a more detailed information about the content of the Oniro 
Platform that is expected to be released you might want to look at these 


## Evolution of this content

As you know, we are working on a process to create, manage and evolve the 
roadmap content (Roadmapping Process[2]). As soon as it is ready, it will 
manage the evolution of this approved content.

Until then, as approved by the Oniro WG SC, changes will be approved within 
this forum on regular basis, at initiative level.

If you have any question or suggestion about this content please send it here 
or to the oniro-dev mailing list. Meanwhile, the Roadmapping process call for 
feedback remains open.


Best Regards

Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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