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[oniro-wg] MoM - Oniro WG Marketing Committee Meeting 2022wk12


please find through the link below the Minutes of Meeting of the Oniro 
Marketing Committee meeting that took place on Wednesday 2023-03-23.


Please read the core part of the minutes below (copy pasted from the above 


## Minutes 

### Approval of the Minutes of Meeting from 2022-03-09

#link <

Approved unanimously.

The next step is to publish the MoM in the oniro-wg mailing list.

### Oniro WG Marketing Committee Chair election

* Chiara DelFabbro, HUawei representative as only candidate.
* Chiara DelFabbro elected unanimously 

### Oniro Wg Marketing Committee meeting series schedule. Ratify.

* This option was agreed through the oniro-wg-marketing-committee mailing list
   * Bi-weekly. Wednesday at 15 UTC (16 hours CET or 11:00 EDT) until 16:00 
* Ratified by the Oniro Marketing Committee Members unanimously

### News room and social media posting processes

Shanda walked us through the news and events section of the website.
* The section is in fact an EF application #link <> 
* The general process is: content submission (open to anyone with an eclipse 
account), moderation/evaluation (by EF marketing team), approval ((by EF 
marketing team) and publication (automatically within 15 min)
• News from other sites can be published here too.

The social media topic will be discussed next week, including the ratification 
of the current Social Media admins.

### Marketing Plan Q&A and next steps

* Oniro WG Program Plan status
   * The Oniro WG Program Plan draft will be presented to the Oniro WG SC 
during the next session. Agustin will ask then if/when the draft can be shared 
with the Marketing Committee so they can work on the Marketing Plan (there are 
* #link to the presentation from Clark <
* Chiara will share an initial draft of the Marketing Plan when ready.

### How will we involve other marketing experts and representatives on regular 

* Agustin presents the idea the Oniro WG SC will discuss during the next 
meeting as example of what this Committee can do.
* Chiara suggest to make the Oniro Marketing Committee open.
* Other options could be:
   * A different meeting at a different time slot on weekly basis.
   * Meeting during the same time slot every other week.

* General consensus on the need to involve others Marketing representatives on 
regular basis.
* General consensus on trying out the same approach that Oniro WG SC will 
follow and take it from there. This option is what Agustin described.
   * First half of each Marketing Committee meeting will be private and the 
second half will be open to All Members' Marketing representatives, that will 
be invited on regular basis.
   * After collecting input from participants, we will ratify this model at 
the Oniro Marketing Committee. 

### Resolutions

* MoM from the meeting 2022wk10 approved
* Chiara DelFabbro (Huawei) elected as Marketing Committee Chair.
* Oniro Marketing Committee meeting series schedule: Bi-weekly. Wednesday at 
15 UTC (16 hours CET or 11:00 EDT) until 16:00 UTC

### AoB  (Open Floor)

* Discussion about how Oniro can change the design of the website with low 
effort in the short term.
	* Walk through other Eclipse Working Group websites, pick up ideas 
from them since they will easier to implement (managed by Eclipse dev team).
	* General consensus in putting together effort to redesign the Oniro 
webportal among Eclipse internal dev team and use an external agency to work 
on graphic design and layout 
* IoT Solutions WC #link <>: check the wiki page 
for further information about the event.
• oniro pitch deck 2022 content related with the roadmap <https://


Best Regards
Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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