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Re: [oniro-wg] Roadmap: work on the proposal for oniro-core (goofy)


On Monday, February 14, 2022 1:44:55 PM CET Davide Ricci wrote:
> 100% agreed.
> We are following a very lean process re roadmapping and requirement
> gathering / analysis and prioritization in general.
> Such process naturally leads to the yearly roadmap - but with all that
> happened this year we just did not follow it.
> The process goes as follows:
> 1. identified members / people can file requirements at any time
> 2. requirements that are filed follow a specific template in order to
> capture all necessary information that allow to assess priority and form an
> opinion re effort vs market relevance against the project KPIs 3.
> requirements are filed in a "wish list" bucket (gitlab backlog) 4.
> bi-weekly, individuals mentioned at point number 1 meet to review
> requirements in wish list, ask question, clean up, etc with the goal of
> moving requirements from wish list to product backlog (relevant
> requirement, no immediate business impact) or the release backlog (relevant
> and immediately highly impactful) 5. changes to release backlog are to be
> reviewed at the SC and approved since they have impact on existing release
> commitments and / or might require further staffing 6. once / year as the
> release in development comes to fruition, requirements in the product
> backlog are then moved into the next release backlog and further planning /
> estimate takes place
> We are now (Amit and I) working on 6 - w/o having followed the steps from 1
> to 5 in the past 3 / 4 months - hence the restart.
> We could meet to discuss 1 - 6 and how to implement given the committees
> available to us (i.e. SC and its role in this matter), identifying the
> roles / people who can file rqmnts and the right place for periodic rqmnts
> review.
> Sounds good?
> I am happy to be on point and work you on the process while I work with amit
> on the content - Seba is trained in the process above and can certainly be
> valuable as well, yet I am happy to personally follow this initial phase of
> defining how rqmnts are captured, managed,...and live through their
> lifecycle as well as I will be happy to be on point to call the periodic
> rqmnts review meeetings.
> Do we want to get together on Wed morning to elaborate on the above re: the
> process?

The following people had a 30 min. chat about the roadmapping process today:
* Davide R.
* Sebastian S. 
* Jarek
* Agustin B.B.

We discussed the ideas we have for the process vs what is implemented and 
working today.

The overall goal is to have a roadmapping process outlined this week so it can 
be socialised through this list and different meetings.

We would like to have the process described next week so it can be discussed 
in detail by Oniro Member representatives. Hopefully it can be agreed by 
consensus and then ratified by the Oniro WG SC once elected. Then we will 
start the discussion about the roadmap items themselves (the content).

We will focus first in outline the process through diagrams. Later on we will 
move into writing. Next Wednesday we will have a second sync meeting. As 
usual, it will be available at the Oniro calendar.

In parallel, Amit K., the PMC lead, is evaluating how we can connect the 
roadmap items from the project gitlab repos and the working group one. Based 
on practical aspects, and respecting the autonomy each entity have (WG and 
projects), we need to decide where the action happens. Those two work-streams 
will need coordination during the following days.

The goal here is to show the process with some roadmap items already in place. 

I encourage the other participants on the meeting complement or amend the 
above minutes if needed.

> Thanks
> D
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Agustín Benito Bethencourt
> [mailto:agustin.benito@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: lunedì 14 febbraio
> 2022 12:56
> To: Sebastian Serewa <sebastian.serewa@xxxxxxxxxx>; Amit Kucheria
> <amit.kucheria.ext@xxxxxxxxxx>; Davide Ricci <davide.ricci@xxxxxxxxxx> Cc:
> Jaroslaw Marek (Jarek) <jaroslaw.marek@xxxxxxxxxx>; oniro-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: Roadmap: work on the proposal for oniro-core (goofy)


Best Regards
Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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