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[oniro-wg-marketing] Oniro Marketing subgroup structure. Re: Current marketing repository to be archived. Long live to the new marketing subgroup


please find in the ticket below some of the proposals I am making so I can 
finish tomorrow the migration of the former marketing repo into the new 
marketing subgroup.


On Wednesday, May 4, 2022 2:29:58 PM CEST Agustín Benito Bethencourt wrote:
> Dear Oniro marketing colleagues,
> ## Context
> At the Proposal stage, I was assuming most of the responsibilities related
> with managing the information on gitlab as well as the repositories
> themselves. Advancing the transitory nature of this situation, I configured
> a specific subgroup for that stage, the Proposal-Incubation-stage-oniro
> (incubation should not have been part of the name).
> ## Transition
> Now that Oniro WG is at incubation stage and the Committees are up and
> running, it is time to deprecate such subgroup and work in the default
> places. We are already doing so for each committee.
> It is time for the marketing content to transition
> Link: Link:
> and, in parallel, for me to delegate some of the current responsibilities I
> still have associated to managing the marketing content. With the experience
> accumulated over the past months, we are able to define configurations and
> structures that hopefully will satisfy the needs for some time.
> ## Follow up and deadline
> This transition process on the marketing content area is described on this
> ticket:
> Link:
> marketing-committee-oniro-wg/-/issues/1
> The target date to finish this process is 6th May.
> ## Communications
> Discussions will be held at the oniro-wg-marketing mailing list.
> link:
> Once the process is finalised, I will send a communication to this mailing
> list.
> ## Call for help
> During these coming days, until the process ends, there will be some impact
> and risks we need to consider. In order to minimise both, please follow the
> current advices:
> * Do not create new tickets until the transition is over.
> * Do not create new MR in Marketing-proposal-incubation-oniro
> * Create all the MR from now on in the corresponding repositories located in
> * Ping me if you add/modify content on the current wiki.
> If you have doubts, the general rule is... do it in the new marketing
> subgroup.
> Ping me if you have questions.

Best Regards

Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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