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Re: [] Re: About the last version of the Sphinx proposal

Yes, we do want to build something together for the whole community (in a constuctive way).
To reach a good proposal that satisfies the community, we need to understand each other, gather our different experiences,  define goals, and refine them in terms of services and components that we can provide to the community.
I have just posted a mail in that direction. I hope it will help.
Finally we just request that Papyrus be precisely analysed as it exists now (not as it was initiated 14 months ago during the initial contribution) and that the backbone services be recognized as possible implementations of the services listed in the Sphinx proposal goals (scope).
Seems to be a reasonnable request

Stephan Eberle a écrit :
Hi all,
How did this presentation of MDT Papyrus backbone as an open platform to support any modeling editor could evolve to the following description: "Papyrus backbone which provides basic facilities required for UML2 editors (see Code contributions for detail)" ?
Kenn,  do you really agree with this description? do you really think that MDT Papyrus backbone is limited to basic facilities for (only) UML2 editors?
I'd like to attract your attention to Papyrus wiki (

11/25/2008 - We are proud to announce you that the initial contribution for the MDT's component Papyrus has been done today :-) The bundle of code provided for this initial contribution to Papyrus consists of two features that gathered a set of additional plug-ins. The core feature consists of a set of plug-in that together supply the basic facilities required for the UML2 editor. It is also called the backbone of Papyrus....
It is probably considered as a simple bad rephrasing but it changes a lot the position of MDT papyrus and could provide confusion within the modeling community.
I don't want anyone to blame for anything here. But I'd like to emphasis here is that there isn't any bad faith behind any of the statements in this proposal.

And again, its a PROPOSAL which can still be CHANGED no matter if it has already been published or not.

So, I'd like to invite everyone to continue provide feedback and to notice that all feedback will be dealt with. But please do it in a constructive way. This is not an attack. The objective is no more and no less than to shape a common vision across Papyrus and Artop team. In order to be able to provide a common solution to the modeling community. Only a failure to do so is what would create real confusion in the modeling community
and would it make unlikely that anyone gets convinced of the usefulness of Papyrus, Artop or Sphinx.

Thank you for your understanding,


Raphaël FAUDOU

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Atos Origin

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