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[] Re: About the last version of the Sphinx proposal


Ultimately, a project proposal is not considered final until the project creation review, and as Stephan has pointed out, it's quite natural (and expected!) for it to change once posted. I suspect the Foundation was "too fast" in publishing the proposal because it is in all of our better interests for discussions to start taking place in the open instead of "behind closed doors" - that is the Eclipse Way. The result of public participation in the shaping of this proposal can only mean better things for the project and for all our individual interests in participating in it...



On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Stephan Eberle <stephan.eberle@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Comments below:

Le 05/02/2010 15:01, GERARD Sebastien 166342 a écrit :

Hi Stephan,


The version of the sphinx proposal that was uploaded on the Eclipse web site as a project proposal ( is not in line with the content of the last proposal I sent you last Wednesday. I cc this document to this email as a reminder.

I think that "not in line" is not justified. The published version is slightly different, yes, but as stated in my e-mail which I sent to you upon completion of step 1 (see attachment), these differences consist of correction of spell errors and some rephrasings but don't change the content of the version we have commonly agreed upon in any significant way.

According to what we said last Wednesday, the process for finalizing the proposal was:

1 – you should have sent me two versions of this proposal integrating my comments and the one of Cedric: 1 short version that was intended to be the official proposal, and a longest (the one cc this email and possibly modified by you).

Which I've done by 2010-02-04 morning CET, see attachment.

2 – then I sho this shuld have reviewedortest version and then say if I am ok or if I need some final modifications.

Which I was waiting for since completion of step 1.


But you have skipped this second stage and then you did not give me any time to agree on the final version post on the Eclipse web site and you did not give the time to consult the Papyrus team to have their final agreement also!

No, by all honesty, I have never given green light for the publication of the proposal.

What I've done is that I've asked Wayne at Eclipse Foundation to make the latest version of the proposal available under a hidden link at (see attachment). It is quite normal to do that and even stated like this in the Eclipse Development Process (

Then Wayne asked to you and me if anyone has still any change requests (see attachment). Me, still waiting for your reaction in response to completion of step 1 hadn't any, and you have also not replied to Wayne.

Personally, I didn't worry much about, because I was expecting that Wayne would wait for an explicit go from both of us before moving forward. What happened instead is that Eclipse Foundation has turned the proposal public without waiting for anymore feedback.

That's what happened, and I was as surprised as you when I saw that this morning. I therefore have to say that it was Eclipse Foundation who has been a little bit too fast here.

And again, I definitely didn't meant it to take this way.


For that reason, I ask you to ask Eclipse to withdraw the current version of the proposal from the Eclipse web site and then to send me the version of the doc used for the publication. It will give a chance to me and the Papyrus team to provide our comments and agreement.

Given that the differences between the version we have agreed upon and the published one are MINOR with regard to the content, I strongly believe that it would be to our all's disadvantage if we overreacted by withdrawing the proposal under the eyes of the whole Eclipse community.

Really, we have been so close to starting off a really good collaboration, why throwing all this away now because of a few spell errors and a couple of rephrasings?

So, what I suggest is that we simply complete step 2 and then send an updated version of the proposal to Eclipse Foundation in case that this should be necessary. Then this update would silently replace the current version and that's it.

This is btw. absolutely not unusual, because an Eclipse project proposal is not necessarily meant to stay unchanged but can be altered during the whole proposal phase (see for details).





Best… Sébastien.





Dr. Sébastien Gérard

Head of MDD for DRES research project

CEA LIST, Laboratoire d’Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles pour les Systèmes Embarqués (LISE)

Boîte courrier 94, GIF SUR YVETTE

CEDEX, F-91191 France

Phone/fax : +33 1 69 08 58 24 / 83 95

Leader of the Eclipse Component Papyrus (The UML2 Graphical Modeler):


Before printing, think about the environment



Dr. Stephan EBERLE


Product Development Manager


16-18 rue du Dôme

92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, FRANCE


Phone : +33 (0)

Fax : +33 (0)

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E-mail : stephan.eberle@xxxxxxxxxxx

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