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Re: [] Minutes of meeting 2009-10-21


thanks, I updated for M1 / M2. Let me know if I have done something wrong.

It should be done for next milestones too.
But I think this task is more for Sebastien and Raphael than me.



Kenn Hussey a écrit :

Generally only enhancements (not defects) are included in the plan, and then only "major" ones, depending on how manageable the number of enhancements is. Given the size of the Papyrus team, it's conceivable that there would be a fairly large number of items on the plan. ;)



2009/10/23 Thibault LANDRE <thibault.landre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:thibault.landre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>


    Before I modify those flags, I would like to know if all the bugs /
    enhancements targeted 0.7M1 M2 should have this flag or only some of
    them ?
    If it is only some of them, how can I know which ones are good
    candidates for the plan ?



    Kenn Hussey a écrit :


        Yes, it appears that you forgot to set the 'helios' flag to '+'.
        If you do that for the Bugzilla items you updated, they'll show
        up in the plan.



        2009/10/22 Thibault LANDRE <thibault.landre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

           Hi Kenn,

           I updated all tasks targeted M1 / M2 with Plan normally and a
           whiteboard according to the list given.

           I probably missed something



           Kenn Hussey a écrit :

               Thanks, Emilien. Was there an further discussion about the
               project plan? The items I added/updated are still the
        only ones
               showing up...



               On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Emilien PERICO
        <mailto:emilien.perico@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>>> wrote:

                  Hi all,

                  Please find in attached file the minutes of the meeting.
                  You can complete it if you need.

                  --        * Emilien PERICO*
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                  Tel : 05 34 36 34 49

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