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Re: [m2e-users] Eclipse facets - Project nature

Igor thank you for the sugestion. Effectively, this release preserves the 
builders and the natures :)
It remains to check the compatibility of the old extensions.

I also noted that the indexing of the remote catalogs is now functional.
Thanks again
Philippe Bastiani
"Igor Fedorenko" <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit dans le message de 
> Can you check if m2e 1.0.0 preserves builders and natures? If not, please 
> open a bugreport in m2e bugzilla but make sure to provide sample 
> standalone project and steps to reproduce the problem.
> -- 
> Sent from my SGS
> Philippe Bastiani <philippe.bastiani@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> What makes a maven project a Spring project? Is there a special
>>> packaging type or maybe a maven plugin that is required to build
>>> projects on command line? If there is a common and strong indicator,
>>> then writing m2e extension that will enable spring nature and builder
>>> next to trivial.
>>Basic Spring projects do not need any plugin to be built. We can only
>>put a
>>marker on the dependencies !
>>> Also, m2e only adds natures and builders, it never removes them
>>> configuration update. What m2e version are you using?
>>I'm using M2E
>>I confirm: for me, M2E seems destructive during the configuration
>>My initial project file contains:
>>   <name>org.springframework.ide.eclipse.core.springbuilder</name>
>>   <arguments>
>>   </arguments>
>>  </buildCommand>
>>  <nature>org.springframework.ide.eclipse.core.springnature</nature>
>>These 2 entries appear just before M2E entries in the project file.
>>And they disapear after an update
>>Note:  other <natures> & <buildCommand> are kept.
>>m2e-users mailing list

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