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Re: [lsp4e-dev] Suggestions required regarding changes to preferences of language server in Eclipse CDT

Hi Mickael,

> First, I think the issues you mention here is not a blocker for a 1st iteration. So if you can make a patch with "only" the link to preferences, that would be already good and we  could merge it even if no solution was found yet for those questions. More than that, I actually think separating those in distinct patch would be better than working on a too complex single patch.

Just to clear up any confusion: we have written (and already merged) a CDT patch that adds a "C++ Language Server" preference page, and we talked about (but have not yet worked on) an LSP4E patch to allow linking to preference pages. Here, we are asking about two different issues. Certainly, their solutions will go into different patches.

Anyways, thanks for your suggestions about these issues!

> What you can do is to place a PreferenceListener on the preferences your LS depends on, and when those preferences are modified, react with a restart of the affected LS. You may need some extra API in LanguageServerAccessor to find the started instances of LS by LanguageServerDefinition, if so, patch would be welcome.

Would we want this API to return a LanguageServerWrapper? And then would we call stop() and then start() on the LanguageServerWrapper?


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