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[lsp4e-dev] Suggestions required regarding changes to preferences of language server in Eclipse CDT

Hi all,

As you all know [1] there is a GSoC project underway to integrate LSP into Eclipse CDT. And as a part of that we have integrated the C++ Language Server Preference Page (for selecting language server and their config options) into Eclipse CDT. 

[Note : We currently have two C++ language servers : ClangD and CQuery]

I request your views/suggestions on the following things :-
  1. Now when the user changes the config options in that page and clicks apply then we try launch the language server with those options in the background. It would be great if you all could provide suggestions on how to let the user know whether the language server was started successfully or it failed (by showing a pop-up or something else).
  2. When the language server has started successfully and then if the user changes the config options (i.e. changes specific options for the server or changes the language server) in that preferences page, then how to reflect those changes on-the-fly without requiring to restart Eclipse (As of now for any changes to config of an already running language server to be taken into effect, we need to restart Eclipse).
I am open to suggestions for what is the best way to solve these issues.


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