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[technology-pmc] Nomination of Exempt Pre-reqs for cloud software

Hi all,

As the PMC for LocationTech, we can identify various dependencies and ask that they be considered 'exempt prerequisites' by the EMO. To frame this discussion, check out

If I'm understanding that pdf correctly, an exempt pre-req enjoys the following benefits:

1.  Projects would not need to file CQs for any version of the pre-req.
2. Projects would be able to compile against new versions of an exempt pre-reqs without further discussion, etc.
3.  Projects could ship code from an exempt pre-req's project.

Just to be clear, I think #1 and #2 are pretty standard and clear. For #3, I'm being aggressive in reading the document since it is silent and a broad interpretation will help with at least one use case*.

Even without #3, I believe we'd get a nice benefit in not needing to document and require review for the various versions of cloud software in play.

As a first pass, I'd like to suggest that these libraries be considered for recommendation to the EMO as exempt prerequisites. (This list is not exhaustive, but it should reflect several of the cloud dependences from the cloud-based LocationTech projects.)

1.  Apache Hadoop (
2.  Apache Accumulo (
3.  Apache Zookeeper (
4.  Apache Spark (

For each of these projects, Apache, Cloudera, and Hortonworks all provide slightly different versions to create consistent cloud architectures in the same manner that a Linux distribution modifies and assembles numerous open source projects to create a uniform product. Use of GeoJinni/SpatialHadoop, GeoMesa, GeoTrellis, and GeoWave assume such a cloud system.

We expect that versions of these packages to be installed, and reviewing the numerous custom versions modified by Cloudera and Hortonworks would be impractical.

* In terms of shipping code, I *think* Rob mentioned a bit of GeoTrellis code which extended or required a bit of uncommonly deployed Spark code to add some monitoring capabilities. If we can ship exempt pre-reqs, that may help with that corner case.

Anyhow, in terms of procedure, I'd suggest we discuss 1) my broad interpretation of the linked pdf, and 2) the initial list of suggested exemptions.

Thanks in advance,


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