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[technology-pmc] Rev geotools for GeoMesa & then everyone else

Hey Everyone,

In today's PMC meeting, we talked about Geotools. Many of you know the story but I'll summarize it super briefly.

When uDig started their IP review, they asked for geotools 9. A while later, when other projects like GeoMesa, GeoGig, GeoScript, etc. arrived, the community decided to consolidate on geotools 11.2. Time passed and 11.2 is long since end of lifed. In today's PMC call, we talked about how do we upversion & consolidate on geotools 14-M1. I chatted with Sharon and I want to share the strategy advice here.

Sharon suggested we should focus on CQ 8530 raised for GeoMesa. GeoMesa is the #1 priority for IP review for LocationTech right now. Looking at it, she said since 11.2 was still being analyzed, the GeoMesa team could rev to 14-M1 by simply attaching the code.

FWIW, Sharon asked that other projects please do not comment on CQ 8530... please let her focus on working with Jim & the GeoMesa team. Once we get a baseline for Geotools, things should get a lot easier from that point forward.

Please shout if there are any questions, thanks!


p.s. FWIW, checkin was granted for Geotools 11.2 in October 2014, so projects that need it could build with it at LocationTech.

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