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[technology-pmc] CQs requiring PMC intervention

I'm going to start with an embarrassing question. It's embarrassing, because I know that I've asked it before and I can't find any record of the answer...

Is the PMC membership list accurate?

Should anybody be removed or added?

Second... have we given any consideration as to who from the PMC can represent the project on the Eclipse Architecture and Planning Councils.

Only a small handful of CQs remain waiting for PMC intervention.

8434    spatial4j Version: 0.4.1
This one is not actually required. Use of LocationTech project code is permitted. The wrinkle is that Spatial4J's initial contribution needs to be approved before GeoMesa can use it in builds. I'd like to keep it open so that we're reminded that this dependency exists.

8666    GeoMesa build-and-test-only dependencies Version: various
We have an open discussion on the PMC list regarding the declaration of GeoMesa build and test dependencies. I think that discussion may have run its course, but we need to leave it open until either all PMC members vote or a minimum of a week passes (thereby giving all PMC members reasonable opportunity to vote).

8718    xml-apis Version: 1.0.b2
I've asked on this CQ if an already approved later version can be used. If the answer is no, then we'll push forward; but it's always a good idea to ask.

8742    Apache Wicket Version: 1.4.12
8743    Spring Framework WebMVC Version: 3.1.4.RELEASE
I don't think that these are required. Comments on the CQ indicate that these are dependencies of GeoServer that are not otherwise used by the project code. If this is the case, then they can be withdrawn. I've added comments to this effect.

8744    GeoServer (subset) Version: 2.5.2
We have an ongoing discussion and open question on this one. I've asked the IP Team about Jody's concerns regarding the implementation of GPL licensed interfaces. I have some follow up to do with the IP team and will report back when I have news.

Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
          Europe 2014

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