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Re: [technology-pmc] Seeking exempt status JAI and ImageIO dependencies

- we may be able to get by with splitting this into multiple CQs, depending on if the pure-java source code is sufficient to review IP
- Breaking out the "native code" should not limit functionality, only performance. As such the uDig project can limp along if sorting out mediaLib and libJIIO take longer.

I had a couple thoughts - as I would really like a way to proceed. I think this discussion answers Frank's question of why a CQ has not been created yet.

1) ImageIO could be split into two - I am not sure this will work (technically or for distribution) and there will be links.

a) the pure java implementation of ImageIO (ie imageio-core) is advertised as BSD on the website:

If that is the case it to be reviewed and go through the normal CQ workflow. This may involve asking the GeoTools project to "upgrade", so I am not sure if that is possible or what an ETA would look like.

Based on CQ6142 (a fork that removes references to JAI) I am willing to bet that the C libJIIO implementation (whatever that is) would need to be factored out into a separate CQ.

b) ImageIO native

I have to assume that the C libJIIO referenced by CQ6142 is the native code. If this is the case we could submit it as a "works with" CQ. If it was installed into the users JRE a native (ie faster) implementation would be available. 

I also note that there is a "libjpeg-turbo" implementation of just JPEG that we have not tried for uDig, but may be easier to review. Too bad JPEG is not often used for GIS work.

2) Java Advanced Imaging

A similar split may work here:

a) jai-core: being in position to review the IP of this one depends on being able to me the quoted goal: "goal to ship projects which contain adequately reviewed IP and are, therefore, ready for commercial adoption"

We are in position to review the pure java implementation of jai-core (so we should be in position to adequately review):

And the "Java Distribution License" does permit commercial adoption:

b) jai "native code" (example mediaLib)

This seems to be the native side of JAI, and would be appropriate once again as a "works with". Indeed that section of the source code appears to contain native libraries:

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