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Re: [linuxtools-dev] Tmf: a model to support new trace analysis types

On 13-07-16 01:25 PM, Geneviève Bastien wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> You bring up a good point here: views (more generally analysis
> outputs) and analysis really need to be separated.  Analysis have
> outputs (like the state system files or statistics, or just an object
> on which more can be done)

I wouldn't consider state systems or statistics as an "output". They're
just an intermediary to eventually display something in a view, or on
the command-line. The analysis can decide to use them if it wants.

> and views are just a convenient way to display it.  With the Rcp, it
> would be useful to have simple text output, .dot files, etc.  That's
> something each analysis module will know and document so that end
> users can generate them in the command line.
> So yeah, basically TmfAnalysis would replace the TmfView as commander
> of the analysis squad, since it can live for fun, without views. 
> Views are just a tmf ui concept.

It could exist, but it should always have at least one view (or text
output). Or else there is no point ;)

> Initially I proposed one extension point
> org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.analysis having attribute "provided
> views", but that should be really two extension points, as some quick
> prototyping clearly pointed out:
> * one for the analysis itself, which logically goes in to tmf.core,
> describing the type and class of the analysis.
> * one for the views it provides, used by tmf.ui to populate the list
> of analysis and available TmfView (maybe all outputs in general?)

Do you need the views in the extension points? Couldn't the view simply
have a getter that returns the list of views? A bit like we do for state
systems and statistics provider for traces, so we don't need to put
those in the extension point.

> I hope to have a prototype for this feature by the end of the week and
> start putting the execution graph construction into this framework.

Cool, looking forward to it!


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