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Re: [linuxtools-dev] Rebuilding with Source Modifications

On Wed, 23 Dec 2009, Alexander Kurtakov wrote:

Hi Joel,
We started Eclipse-build to ease building the whole Eclipse SDK, there was no
intention to make it usable for developing a single bundle and testing
If you want to modify and test this modifications you would better checkout the
plugin from cvs and start/debug in Eclipse itself. When you have a ready patch
you can add it to Eclipse-build to enhance it.
At least this is the procedure most Eclipse developers are following. I highly
doubt that someone is building the whole SDK when developing/testing changes
in a single plugin.

Hope that helps,

Yes, that make a lot of sense.

My situation is quite unusual in that I don't plan to develop or use Eclipse at all. I'm just using it as a test application for a JVM I am developing. The changes I'll be making to the Eclipse source will mostly be temporary logging and assertions for debugging purposes.

Anyway, with Roland's help I've found a practical way to rebuild individual plugins from the command line, so I'll do that going forward.

Thanks for your help.

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