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Re: [linuxtools-dev] Rebuilding with Source Modifications

Hi Joel,
We started Eclipse-build to ease building the whole Eclipse SDK, there was no 
intention to make it usable for developing a single bundle and testing 
If you want to modify and test this modifications you would better checkout the 
plugin from cvs and start/debug in Eclipse itself. When you have a ready patch 
you can add it to Eclipse-build to enhance it.
At least this is the procedure most Eclipse developers are following. I highly 
doubt that someone is building the whole SDK when developing/testing changes 
in a single plugin.

Hope that helps,

> Thanks, Niels.  The closest I've gotten to what I want is with this
> command:
>    rm -f provision.sdk-stamp build-stamp p2prep-stamp && ./
> This does cause the source file in question to be rebuilt (along with
> every other source file, apparently, regardless of whether it was
> modified).  However, it does not update
> build/eclipse-R3_5_1-fetched-src/installation/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.l
> auncher_1.0.201.R35x_v20090715.jar at all.  I even tried removing said JAR
>  file, hoping that it would be recreated by the build, but that didn't
>  work, and I can't figure out what is responsible for creating or updating
>  it.
> So here are a few new questions:
>   1. Which part of the build is responsible for creating or updating
>      org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.201.R35x_v20090715.jar?  Or, if
>      nobody knows offhand, what can I do to track it down?
>   2. Is there some way to convince the build to just recompile the source
>      files which have changed?  Looking at a few of the low-level build.xml
>      files, I see that the pattern is to create a @dot directory if it
>      doesn't already exist and compile the code into there.  If that
>      directory already exists (which can happen if you pass -Dnoclean=true
>      to the Ant process), it won't do anything - even if one or more of the
>      source files has changed.
>   3. Am I missing something obvious here regarding file dependencies?
>      Almost every piece of software I've encountered using Ant or make has
>      made use of a file dependency graph, e.g. .jar files depend on some
>      set of .class files, each of which depends on a .java file.  I'm not
>      seeing any such thing in the Eclipse build system, and that's why I'm
>      having such a hard time getting my head around it.
>   4. How do Eclipse developers do iterative development and debugging?  Do
>      they have the patience to do a clean build every time they make a
>      change or do they have shortcuts to reduce the length of each
>      change/rebuild/test cycle?
> Sorry if any of this is drifting off topic.  If so, I'll take these
> questions elsewhere.
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