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Re: [jetty-users] Out-of-order requests in log?

On 31/01/2022 16:48, Joakim Erdfelt wrote:
Keep in mind that the RequestLog writes when the request/response exchange is complete. So it could also be an artifact of a slow client that isn't reading as quickly as you expect. The time in the Servlet could have been blazingly fast, and it produced say 1MB of response data. The dispatch to the Servlet is done, and what's left is the Container needs to write that 1MB to the client.
Once that entire 1MB is done writing, then the RequestLog is produced.

Thanks. The response was only 46K in length, and it's the same thing being requested each time it's delayed. So I think I need to look at my code to try and figure out what might be causing a 3 minute delay.

John English

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