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[jetty-users] Out-of-order requests in log?

One of my users had a problem today and I was looking at the request log trying to see the sequence of events leading up to the error, when I noticed that some timestamps were out of order in the sequence of requests in the log for the user in question. Here's a sample:

30/Jan/2022:15:02:40 +0000
30/Jan/2022:15:02:42 +0000
30/Jan/2022:15:00:11 +0000	<---- nearly 3 minutes late!
30/Jan/2022:15:02:44 +0000
30/Jan/2022:15:02:45 +0000
30/Jan/2022:15:02:48 +0000
30/Jan/2022:15:02:52 +0000
30/Jan/2022:15:02:52 +0000
30/Jan/2022:15:02:52 +0000
30/Jan/2022:15:02:52 +0000
30/Jan/2022:15:00:32 +0000     <---- and again!
30/Jan/2022:15:04:06 +0000
30/Jan/2022:15:04:09 +0000
30/Jan/2022:15:04:19 +0000

Is this normal? If not, what should I be looking for?

John English

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