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[jdt-ui-dev] 3.3 M1 Testpass

Hi all,

This is the final version of the test grid for today's 3.3 M1 test pass for
JDT UI/Text and Platform Text/Platform Search.

As always, testers from the community are highly welcome and encouraged to
participate in the test pass to provide feedback.

(See attached file: Testpass 3.3 M1.html)
Title: 3.3 M1 Test Plan

3.3 M1 Test Plan

Test day: Tuesday, 2006-08-08
Test Build: I20060807-2000
Components: JDT/Text, JDT/UI, Platform/Search, and Platform/Text
Testers: Martin, Dani, Markus, Tobias, Benno, Tom


  • test new functionality added since R3.2
  • sanity check performance
  • verify that severe bugs are correctly fixed
  • verify all fixed bugs for 3.2.1 in 3.3 M1. Note: Do not set the bug to verified yet

Verification of Bugs (ALL)

There are 130 so everyone should verify 22. Take high-priority and critical bugs first.
Before starting to verify add a comment that you take a bug for verification.

Refactoring Scripting (Martin, Dani) (FAQ: Tobias)

  • Test that all refactorings offered by JDT are recorded in the refactoring history, including copy, paste, move, delete and drag&drop operations involving Java elements.
  • Test that the recorded refactorings can be successfully exported to a script and reapplied.

Build Path (Dani, Markus) (FAQ: Benno)

  • Create new java projects with 'any' possible combination of source and output folders, using:
    • local/linked source folders
    • different output folders per source folder
    • included/excluded packages (create project from existing source)
  • Ensure that created project always have a valid build path, no errors/no exceptions while setup, actions work as expected
  • Use scenarios described in the Getting Started.

Package Explorer (Tom, Dani) (FAQ: Martin)

  • Test hierarchical mode with filters from the view menu and inclusion patterns
  • Test resources in JARs, in particular folders with invalid Java package names such as .metadata

Search Dialog (Markus, Tom) (FAQ: Martin)

  • Test the new 'Search In' options, verify functionality and pay attention to usability

Miscellaneous Java UI (Markus, Tobias) (FAQ: Tom)

  • Test setting of font for Javadoc view, Javadoc hover, F2 and additional content assist info
  • Test fast mouse wheel scrolling (press CTRL while using the wheel) in editors

Java Editing (Tobias, Benno) (FAQ: Tom)

  • Verify that the class file editor without source allows copying of content (test keybinding and menus)
  • Test assigning different colors to brackets and operators and the application to the code
  • Test placement of code assist pop-up and its additional info
  • Test that size of the popups gets remembered, but not when it was only clipped due to missing monitor space, using single and dual monitor setup (Martin should test the dual monitor setup)
  • Test wrapping of parameter hints for methods with many parameters
  • Test parameter hints for methods signatures using parameterized types
  • class Puzzle {
        Puzzle(int MAX, int MIN) {
             method(MAX < MIN, MAX > MIN);
        void method(MAX < MIN, MAX > MIN) {}
        void method(boolean b, boolean c) {}
    class MAX {}
    class MIN {}
  • test parameter hints for parameterized types

Pluggable Vertical Ruler Support (Martin, Benno) (FAQ: Tom)

  • Test that existing rulers (vertical ruler, line number ruler and quick diff work as in R3.2
  • Test enablemenet behavior
  • Test hovers
  • Test clicking on annotations
  • Test context menu (are the same entries there? do they work as expected?)
  • Add a new example ruler using the extension point doc as start
  • Add a ruler to a content type, an editor hierarchy and a concrete editor

Template Support (Benno, Markus) (FAQ: Tom)

  • Test the new template variable support
  • Test that the provided help for the syntax is easily found and useful
  • Test that you can add your own templates and that it works as expected
  • Test the new JUnit 4 method template

Text Replace All (Martin, Dani) (FAQ: Tom)

  • Assert that replace-all in a large text file is not slower than in 3.2

ASTRewrite (Dani, Tom) (FAQ: Martin)

Paste Compilation Unit (Tom, Benno) (FAQ: Markus)

  • Paste compilation unit contents to the Package Explorer with nothing selected -> should create a new project
  • Verify that the project uses the latest installed JRE (regardless of workspace default)

Extract Local Variable (Tobias, Tom) (FAQ: Markus)

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