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[jdt-ui-dev] 3.3 M4 Testpass

Hi All

This is the final version of the test grid for today's 3.3 M4 test pass for
JDT UI/Text and Platform Text/Platform Search.

As always, testers from the community are highly welcome and encouraged to
participate in the test pass to provide feedback.


(See attached file: M4_Test_Plan.html)
Title: 3.3 M4 Test Plan

3.3 M4 Test Plan

Test day: Tuesday, 2006-12-12
Test Build: I20061212-0010
Components: Platform Search, Platform Text, JDT Text and JDT UI
Testers: Benno, Dani, Markus, Martin


  • test new functionality added since 3.3 M3
  • verify that severe bugs are correctly fixed
  • sanity check performance

Test New Functionality

First test all those items where you are listed as first tester.

Test showing of invisible characters (Benno, Martin - FAQ: Dani)

  • preference works
  • tool bar button works (must first enable 'Editor Presentation' via perspective configuration)
  • test with different fonts

Spell checking in Text, Properties and CU editors (Markus, Benno - FAQ: Dani)

for each:
  • verify that spell checking works
  • verify that the spelling problems can be fixed via Edit > Quick Fix
  • verify that the spelling problems can be fixed via Ctrl+1
  • verify that the reworked Spelling preference page works

verify new F3 behavior which only uses caret location (instead of selection) (Martin, Markus - FAQ: Dani)

  • test with empty selection
  • test with partial selections
  • test with selections that contain full qualification

quick fix & quick assist: (Dani, Markus - FAQ: Martin)

  • extract local, extract constant, inline local, convert local to field, convert anonymous to member type offered as quick fix
  • try out linked mode and see if name guesses are good
  • try 'Invert if statement' and 'push negation down'

package explorer (Markus, Benno - FAQ: Martin)

  • support better grouping mechanisms for referenced libraries (bug 83389)

build path dialog (Benno, Dani - FAQ: Martin)

  • new extension point 'classpathAttributeConfiguration'
  • test that Javadoc and native lib rendering and configuration still work (have been updated to use the new infrastructure)
  • Top / Bottom buttons on order page

organize import (Dani, Markus - FAQ: Martin)

  • configure the number of empty lines between import groups (preference on the code formatter page)

code formatter dialog (Markus, Benno - FAQ: Martin)

  • UI for new code formatter preferences added: 'space between 'throws' and parenthesized _expression_

new JUnit API: (Benno, Dani - FAQ: Martin)

  • TestRunListener and all releated elements: ITestElement...

Undo Delete Refactorings: (Dani, Martin - FAQ: Markus)

  • test in Package Explorer, Browsing Perspective, Hierarchy view
  • delete resources and all kinds of Java elements
  • verify that Undo is available and works
For the next two items, just test a representative selection of refactoring and source actions:

Refactor without saving editors: (Benno, Dani - FAQ: Markus)

  • verify that refactorings and source actions work with unsaved editors
    (unsaved Java, Ant, text editors; still needs to save multi-part editors like PDE Manifest editors)

Refactor derived files: (Martin, Benno - FAQ: Markus)

  • warning dialogs (like when you open editor on derived file and start typing):
    • verify that refactoring declarations in derived files gives a warning dialog first
    • test quick fix and direct quick fix actions (Prefs > Keys > Source > Quick * - *)
  • test derived files filter in refactoring preview

Bug Verification

There are 12 bugs meaning that everyone has to verify 3 bugs. Before starting to verify a bug add a comment indicating that you are about to verify it.

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