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Re: [jdt-ui-dev] Introductions... =)

Thanks Daniel!

Sorry for being a N00B.

I guess my main question was where can I find a page that describes
how I get the minimal amount of source that I need to compile, and get
started testing, fixing bugs, etc? I ran across the CVS tree of
eclipse, and that seems huge! Do I need to download and compile
everything, even though I'm just looking into the JDT UI stuff? Is it
a project that I can check out, open in my own eclipse, and compile
via eclipse?

Also, do I need an account for extssh, or do I start with anonymous
access? I'll continue to read through the dev pages, but if there is a
FAQ or Getting Started Guide that I'm missing, then please do point me
to it.

Thanks a lot!


On 5/4/06, Daniel Megert <daniel_megert@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Ron,

since you posted to the JDT UI list I assume you want to start helping out
here. So, first you might want to have a look at:
Afterwards, the best start is to pick a bug which sounds interesting to you
and which you think you can fix. Announce in the bug that you intend to
work in the bug.

With "code viewer" I guess you meant the Java Editor. The code for that can
be found in org.eclipse.jdt.ui (*.javaeditor.* and *.text.* packages).


             "Ron Yeh"
   >                                                    To
             Sent by:                  jdt-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
             jdt-ui-dev-bounce                                          cc
                                       [jdt-ui-dev] Introductions... =)
             04.05.2006 04:39

             Please respond to
              "Eclipse JDT UI
             developers list."

Hi, my name's Ron, and I'm a PhD student at Stanford studying HCI. I
just wanted to introduce myself, and that I'm interested in
contributing a little in my spare time. =)

Also, I have a quick question:

Where do I start??? =)

I'd like to just hack on some code to play around with the rendering
inside the code viewer in Eclipse... but I've been looking on the
websites, and am finding it difficult to figure out which modules to
get, how to get it all compiled, etc. Is there a developers FAQ that
I'm missing?

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