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[jdt-ui-dev] M3 test grid

Hi all,
Attached the provisional test grid for the M3 test pass this Wednesday. 
If you have some input (things that need to be tested), please send a list 
of them to me. 
JDT UI, JDT Text, and Platform Text teams will share the test grid.

If anyone from the community wants to volunteer for some testing (every 
little thing helps), you will be most welcome. Please send a note here (or 
to me personally) and I'll assign something to you (something small or 
bigger if you wish). 


Title: JDT

M3 Test Plan

Tuesday, August 26, 2003


  • test new functions added since M2
  • sanity check performance
  • verify that severe bugs are correctly fixed

Testers so far

  • Martin
  • Dani
  • Andre
  • Dirk
  • Markus
  • Randy
  • Thomas
  • Tobias
  • Tom
  • (Erich -> CAN, Kai -> Vac)



  • Restore From and Replace with local history now insert code by means of AST rewriting.
  • verify bugs:

Context Views

  • context menu showing Copy and F3
  • contents computed in background - check whether the delay is gone
  • Select all (Ctrl+A)
  • preview functionality in Javadoc view
  • verify bug 41868


  • F2 opportunity shown in hovers (smaller font, can turn on /off in preferences)
  • Members view now shows types for fields


Annotation handling has undergone some refactoring -> test general feeling, appearance, preferences, hovers, mouse interaction
  • Go to Next / Previous: targets  are configurable
  • preference handling for Java editor and Text editor
  • other contributed annotations (breakpoints...)
  • overview ruler improvements:
    • can now handle annotations on same layer
    • added tool tip text to overview ruler header
    • tool tip text for disabled annotation no longer appears
    • click on overview ruler item respects layer (e.g. error hides breakpoint)
    • clicking on same overview ruler item jumps next annotation

Java Editor

  • block commenting / uncommenting
  • auto indentation after if / do / else / while / for without block
  • improved smart home in comments (should ignore *).
  • "Next / Previous Word" actions can be set to jump over Camel Words
    • Preferences
    • Functionality (jumping, selecting, deleting)
    • should work in all content types (Javadoc, Java, comments...)
  • Operator & Method syntax coloring (preferernces, display)


  • QuickDiff:
    • hand cursor when hovering over a change (only if line numbers are turned off)
    • character mode (for color blind users) shows colorless change information (only when line numbers turned on)
    • preferences:
      • colors can be set in annotation preferences
      • JavaEditor: other settings (default provider, character mode, always on) on WorkInProgress page
      • TextEditor: on its own tabbed page


  • Project scope for all searches
  • "search in enclosing project" on file search page

JUnit Plug-in Test Launcher

  • new JUnit runtime plugin
  • launch dialog
  • launch a JUnit plug-in test

Refactoring, Source Modification

  • check the Source Action->Generate Constructor using Fields action

Bugs Verification:

Major and critical bugs fixed since M2 with reproducable steps.
  • 33028 : hang in clipboard get contents [reorg] [ccp] [dnd]
  • 40402 : NPE on paste
  • 40668 : Reconciler does not update anymore after save
  • 41570 : NPE in rename type tests
  • 41726 : OverviewRuler cannot handle two annotations with same presentation layer
  • 40634 : new project - java - location, gives xerces211 does not exist

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