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[jdt-ui-dev] M3 test grid

Attached is the test grid for M3

- Please use build I20030826 for testing
- Thanks for your help, Bailuyuan
- If you find bugs, file a report on bugzilla


Title: JDT

M3 Test Plan

Tuesday, August 26, 2003


  • test new functions added since M2
  • sanity check performance
  • verify that severe bugs are correctly fixed


  • Martin
  • Dani
  • Andre
  • Dirk
  • Markus
  • Randy
  • Thomas
  • Tobias
  • Tom
  • Bailuyuan


Compare (Tobias, Bailuyuan)

  • Restore From and Replace with local history now insert code by means of AST rewriting.
  • verify bugs:

Context Views (Martin, Andre)

  • context menu showing Copy and F3
  • contents computed in background - check whether the delay is gone
  • Select all (Ctrl+A)
  • preview functionality in Javadoc view
  • verify bug 41868

Misc (Dirk, Markus)

  • F2 opportunity shown in hovers (smaller font, can turn on /off in preferences)
  • Members view now shows types for fields

Annotations (Randy, Thomas)

Annotation handling has undergone some refactoring -> test general feeling, appearance, preferences, hovers, mouse interaction
  • Go to Next / Previous: targets  are configurable
  • preference handling for Java editor and Text editor
  • other contributed annotations (breakpoints...)
  • overview ruler improvements:
    • can now handle annotations on same layer
    • added tool tip text to overview ruler header
    • tool tip text for disabled annotation no longer appears
    • click on overview ruler item respects layer (e.g. error hides breakpoint)
    • clicking on same overview ruler item jumps next annotation

Java Editor (Markus, Martin)

  • block commenting / uncommenting
  • auto indentation after if / do / else / while / for without block
  • improved smart home in comments (should ignore *).
  • "Next / Previous Word" actions can be set to jump over Camel Words
    • Preferences
    • Functionality (jumping, selecting, deleting)
    • should work in all content types (Javadoc, Java, comments...)
  • Operator & Method syntax coloring (preferernces, display)

TextEditor (Randy, Thomas)

  • QuickDiff:
    • hand cursor when hovering over a change (only if line numbers are turned off)
    • character mode (for color blind users) shows colorless change information (only when line numbers turned on)
    • preferences:
      • colors can be set in annotation preferences
      • JavaEditor: other settings (default provider, character mode, always on) on WorkInProgress page
      • TextEditor: on its own tabbed page

Search (Tom, Tobias)

  • Project scope for all searches
  • "search in enclosing project" on file search page

JUnit Plug-in Test Launcher (Dani, Andre)

  • new JUnit runtime plugin
  • launch dialog
  • launch a JUnit plug-in test

Refactoring, Source Actions, Quick Fix (Dani, Tom)

  • check the Source Action->Generate Constructor using Fields action
  • new quick assists:
    • join variable declaration
    • split variable declaration
    • create new field from parameter
  • Delete action:
    • verify that it is available on elements that should provide delete
    • verify that the confirmation dialog shows up.
    • for read-only resources there should be a second dialog asking
    • for read-only delete confirmation.
    • there is no need to test the actual delete funtionality. We only changed activation while converting delete to processor/participant architecture.

Bug Verification

Major and critical bugs fixed since M2 with reproducable steps.

Martin, Dani:
  • 33028 : hang in clipboard get contents [reorg] [ccp] [dnd]
Andre, Markus:
  • 40402 : NPE on paste
  • 41726 : OverviewRuler cannot handle two annotations with same presentation layer
Randy, Thomas:
  • 40668 : Reconciler does not update anymore after save
Tobias, Tom:
  • 41570 : NPE in rename type tests
  • 40634 : new project - java - location, gives xerces211 does not exist

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