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Re: [jdt-ui-dev] Open Call Hierarchy Action name

> I've added the Call Hierarchy plug-in to my 2.1 install.  I remember 
> reading that this has been contributed to JDT.  It's a *really* nice 
> feature. I'd like to see it replace the search view completely.  Maybe it 
> could be a preference of mode instead of another view, which adds to 
> context menu clutter.

Yes, it was contributed by Jesper and is now available in the 3.0 stream (since M1 build)

I don't think, however, that it could replace the search view.
It cannot perform (and it's not clear that it should be able to) any searches related to:
fields, types, packages

also, it cannot perform a search for occurrences or declarations
also, you cannot specify wildcards
also, it cannot do 'search in hierarchy'
also, the presentation is not persisted
also, it's not extensible for now

As of now, it serves one purpose and does it very well.
You could talk to Jesper and us and work on improving it.

> Anyway, Isn't the more common terminology a "call graph"?  Currently, I 
> guess the implementation is displaying a tree, or hierarchy, but that 
> could always change.

if we change it to a graph (any scalable swt graph widget that you know?), the name might change as well
currently it's a tree, so 'hierarchy' sounds more appropriate


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