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[jdt-debug-dev] Modification Watchpoint


programmatically I create a modification watchpoint on a field and if the field is modified, I get noticed. I want to readout and store the value of this field. To do this I implemented the IDebugEventSetListenerInterface and react on suspend events, which are initiated by my watchpoint (IJavaBreakpointListener.breakpointHit()). If I want to readout the value, I get the old value and not the value, which will be set.

The JDI offers a ModificationWatchpointEvent and the opportunity the readout the value (ModificationWatchpointEvent.valueToBe()) Unfortunately this is not an org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugEvent, so I can not react in the IDebugEventSetListener.handleDebugEvents().

To react on this Event I would build a subclass of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.breakpoints.JavaWatchpoint and overwrite the method handleEvent() to handle the ModificationWatchpointEvent. So I would be able to store the value of my field.

Is this procedure the right way? Or is there some smarter solution to get the value after modification?

Ralf Anklam

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