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[jdt-debug-dev] Book "building integrated debuggers for eclipse"


this is a question to Mr. John Wiegand.
(There was no direct email-address, for good reasons, I think ;) )

I am a student of Technical University of Berlin and I'm writing my diploma thesis about debugging of aspect-orientated
program languages. There is an AOPL called Object Teams (an invention of TU Berlin) and we are developing a toolkit
as an Eclipse plug-in at Fraunhofer First Institute, where I work.

I want to implement debugging support for our AOPL in eclipse and I saw a book with the title "building integrated debuggers for eclipse" at
Amazon says the release of this book is 2006, so I can't buy it yet.
So my question:
Is there any possibility to get a pre-release version or an abstract or something like that?
Me and my project leaders would buy it. So I was a reviewer for your book and would tell you my experiences. ;)
I already read the tutorial "How to write an Eclipse debugger" and the slides of eclipseCon2005 "The Eclipse Debug Framework"
and would like to read more about this topic, so your book was the best opportunity.


Ralf Anklam

Some informations about the project I work for (only, if your are interested):


Ralf Anklam
Student of TU Berlin
Email address: ikeman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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