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Re: [jdt-debug-dev] Book "building integrated debuggers for eclipse"

Hi Darin,

I know that the book "building integrated debuggers for eclipse" is not available yet. I was just asking for an opportunity to get a pre release version or something like that.
That would be very, very helpful for my diploma thesis.
Is there a possibility to get something like that?

Thanks in advance,

Ralf Anklam

Darin Wright wrote:

>Sorry to say that the book is not available, and has no known availability
>Ralf Anklam <ikeman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent by: jdt-debug-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
>07/21/2005 04:56 AM
>Please respond to
>"Eclipse JDT Debug developers list."
>platform-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, jdt-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
>[jdt-debug-dev] Book "building integrated debuggers for eclipse"
>this is a question to Mr. John Wiegand.
>(There was no direct email-address, for good reasons, I think ;) )
>I am a student of Technical University of Berlin and I'm writing my
>diploma thesis about debugging of aspect-orientated
>program languages. There is an AOPL called Object Teams (an invention of
>TU Berlin) and we are developing a toolkit
>as an Eclipse plug-in at Fraunhofer First Institute, where I work.
>I want to implement debugging support for our AOPL in eclipse and I saw a
>book with the title "building integrated debuggers for eclipse" at
>Amazon says the release of this book is 2006, so I can't buy it yet.
>So my question:
>Is there any possibility to get a pre-release version or an abstract or
>something like that?
>Me and my project leaders would buy it. So I was a reviewer for your book
>and would tell you my experiences. ;)
>I already read the tutorial "How to write an Eclipse debugger" and the
>slides of eclipseCon2005 "The Eclipse Debug Framework"
>and would like to read more about this topic, so your book was the best
>Ralf Anklam
>Some informations about the project I work for (only, if your are
>Ralf Anklam
>Student of TU Berlin
>Email address: ikeman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>jdt-debug-dev mailing list
>jdt-debug-dev mailing list

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