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Re: [jdt-debug-dev] JSR 45 status and plugin/debugger documentation

Luc, thanks for your answer.

The problem you have is that the source locator doesn't know where to find the source file.

From the JDI information, the source locator knows the (unqualified) file name, in this case "main.nice". This is in a class, so from this it can know that the source should be in a directory "pkg". So it could infer the relative file name "pkg/main.nice". It could then look for this file the sourcepath.
Isn't this a good default, language independent behaviour?

Check the example created for JSPs in the org.eclipse.jdt.ui.examples.javafamily plug-in. You can get this plug-in from the CVS repository, or from the eclipse web site, in the example package (on the download page of each build).

Thanks for the info. I will look at it.

I don't think there is any doc. The example in the javafamily plug-in is working.

Maybe it would be a good idea to at least add this information about the example source on a web page?


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