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Re: [jdt-debug-dev] JSR 45 status and plugin/debugger documentation

Daniel Bonniot wrote:


[ ... ]

Here are my questions:

1) Is this supposed to be working currently? Any idea why it is not, or
how to investigate?

It's supposed to be working...
The problem you have is that the source locator doesn't know where to find the source file. The source locator provided by the Java debugger knows only about Java files. You need to create a source locator (or extend the Java one) for your language, and associate this source locatot to your launch.
To do that, the easiest way is to extend java application launch delegate.

Check the example created for JSPs in the org.eclipse.jdt.ui.examples.javafamily plug-in. You can get this plug-in from the CVS repository, or from the eclipse web site, in the example package (on the download page of each build).

2) More generally, about using the debugger for other languages than
Java. I see it is a goal for 3.0, and that's great! Is there
documentation about how to build a plugin that interracts with the
debugger? Are there good working examples with source available?

I don't think there is any doc. The example in the javafamily plug-in is working.

Thanks for your answers.


Darin W : I just notice that the java launch configuration delegates are internal. The Java launch configuration tabs are API, the VMRunner classes and interface are API, but the code to transfere the data from a Java launch configuration to a VMRunnerConfiguration is not API.


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