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Re: [jdt-core-dev] Code completion for annotations values

I am familiar with JavaCompletionProposalComputer. I understand this is the current basis for completion extension, but I am more asking about specific functionality to assist with annotation value completion. With the completion of bug 110188, it is now possible to complete inside of a string literal, but this is only a first step in providing completion inside an annotation value.

yes, but it is the place you would implement. I have asked about 3 to 4 times on the jdt newsgroup on how to get more context about the location i'm at but have
still not received any answer.

What I am trying to determine now is whether additional support is going to be added to the core/ui/apt to facilitate annotation completion, or whether we would need to roll our own solution, which wouldn't appear to be very straight forward.

The apt guys have some code completion support but I chose not to depend on it
since it requires alot of manual work to actually enable it.

I find it pretty straight forward though, besides the missing part about how to
get context information.

As for the Hibernate Tools, unfortunately I can't look at your implementation due to licensing.

well i don't do more than just use it, so nothing really magically in there ;)

I did download your latest plugins to try this functionality
out, but it seems the code completion is just a static list of choices, which doesn't meet our needs of having a context based list of choices (such as the table/column completion you have in XML). Maybe I am doing something wrong here?
I seem to get a big list of function names.

You will need to have the configuration "started" (e.g. expanded) then
the code completion works in context of the HQL.

Yes, table name completion etc. is hard to do because of the missing context (besides access to the underlying string).

I think apt have code completion for specific annotations


Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

Hi Neil,

It is already in there in Eclipse 3.2 as I told you at EclipseWorld :)


See Hibernate Tools plugins for an example of how it can be used for
code completion in annotation's.

I'm still though looking for efficient code to get more context
about the position code completion is invoked...



The WTP-JPA project needs to provide in-source annotation value completion as a part of our feature set, and from looking at JDT documentation, it seems this topic has been accounted for in previous planning. In the JDT Core R3.2 plan* there was a bullet item under 'Code Assist' for "Completion in annotation member pair value". Also, under 'Java SE 6', there is text referring to "pluggable API for participating in compilation and completion" under 'Annotation processing tools'. I am inquiring as to the status of this general functionality, as it seems that some work has been done to facilitate this in the core, but there does not seem to be anything for a client, such as us, to consume at this point.
Any insight into the status of these plans or future plans regarding
implementation of this support would be extremely helpful. Thank you,

Neil Hauge

* -
jdt-core-dev mailing list

Max Rydahl Andersen


JBoss a division of Red Hat

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