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[jdt-core-dev] Code completion for annotations values


The WTP-JPA project needs to provide in-source annotation value completion as a part of our feature set, and from looking at JDT documentation, it seems this topic has been accounted for in previous planning. In the JDT Core R3.2 plan* there was a bullet item under 'Code Assist' for "Completion in annotation member pair value". Also, under 'Java SE 6', there is text referring to "pluggable API for participating in compilation and completion" under 'Annotation processing tools'. I am inquiring as to the status of this general functionality, as it seems that some work has been done to facilitate this in the core, but there does not seem to be anything for a client, such as us, to consume at this point. Any insight into the status of these plans or future plans regarding implementation of this support would be extremely helpful.
Thank you,

Neil Hauge

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