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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Finalizing the TCKs

On 8/21/20 3:48 PM, Amelia Eiras wrote:
Thank you Cesar!

Scott M., can you join next week so that we can discuss TCK documentation?

Hi Amelia,

Sorry, I was away from the computer last week. Yes, I would like to join in the next call.


Amelia Eiras <>
Tribe: <> <>

On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 11:55 AM Cesar Hernandez <chernandez@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:chernandez@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    I saw already a couple of entries in the doodle pool.
    I think Monday, Aug 24 noon PT would be a good time to check
    calendar matches and send the meeting invite for those who filled
    the doodle pool.

    Cesar Hernandez

    On Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 3:37 PM Cesar Hernandez
    <chernandez@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:chernandez@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

        Hi all!,

        I recall we started back in June a Jakarta community outreach
        for TCK work [1] in the jakartaee-tck-dev mailing list.

        This had an initial outcome of participation in a Community Call
        explaining what the TCK was and engaging the community to
        Currently, we have a pending dedicated Jakarta Tech Talk about it.

        Catching up with this and other threads, It seems TCK
        documentation wiki has been updated with fresh content [2] that
        can help to guide community participation.
        I want to propose a 45 min call next week with cc: mailing list in order to iron the strategy
        to facilitate and organize the collaboration.
        I just created this doodle to agree on a date and time in case
        you find this useful and want to collaborate:

        Cesar Hernandez

        On Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 4:46 PM Amelia Eiras
        <aeiras@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:aeiras@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

            I meant to say, the feature to add Contributors to any git
            project under the Eclipse Foundation *is a reality* after
            its revival in Q1 of 2019 from an almost 4 years sleep - bug.
            The bug took +8 months (well worth time prioritizing). For
            that time & the result, I am most thankful to Chris and his
            web team. Chris is cc'd here as well -- you are amazing

            I am now motivated to get back to that blog, finish it &
            publish it this month to get more notice *that* such
            formidable access exists and it welcomes active contributors
            to own their weight in any project without being debt to the
            Committers of the project. :)

            Happy wknd Scott and Jakartees,
            Amelia Eiras
            Tribe: <>

            On Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 3:34 PM Amelia Eiras
            <aeiras@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:aeiras@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

                Hola Scott,

                I have been researching a few moments before closing my
                days to see a way around this.
                In MicroProfile though I am a committer, submitting PRs
                are the way to go while collaborating on documentations.
                It is easy after forking the repo on my github account.

                True that
                - to copy/paste changes into a git issue to have others
                with access merge those contributions is poor at best
                OSS etique & won't enhance nor welcome others to

                Current issue is a positive step forward for the Jakarta
                EE TCK about how it chooses to manage community
                contributions updates in the wiki while still keeping
                healthy control of the space.

                Early this year, I -- with the help of wonderful
                Christopher Guindon - Manager, Web Development | Eclipse
                Foundation and a few others (not only MicroProfilers)~20
                individuals in the ticket contributing, we revived a +4
                years old github bug that affects positively all the
                Contributors under the EF: Bug 483563 - Allow assignment
                of Github issues to contributors
                Since the middle of December last year, active
                contributors in any Eclipse project can be added to any
                Repo. It just need to be executed by the Project itself.

                I owe (got sidetracked with the heavy duty work
                collaborating on the creation of the MP working group +
                MP is prohibit from releasing MP 4.0 so the blog took a
                step back as we have no use for it YET]  Chris and the
                EF web team the publishing of that blog still, title:
                [MP Blog]Adding Contributors to the MP Repository #230

                How about we use the draft of the blog to pilot with the
                Jakarta EE TCK adding me as a contributor to the Repo
                itself.  The steps are simple enough but THIS awesome
                new contributors feature have yet to be tested.  I
                welcomed you to do some research using the bug tracing
                -- a few other tickets were opened/closed to fix the
                issue and still protect the projects. :)

                I appreciate you, your follow up shows much care Scott,
                you are awesome! -- lets try stuff, fail fast,
                learn/unlearn and re-try, openly!
                Amelia Eiras
                Tribe: <>

                On Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 2:38 PM Scott Marlow
                <smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

                    On 8/5/20 3:21 PM, Amelia Eiras wrote:
                     > Scott,
                     > Thank you for sending the links.
                     > I will start the follow-up via the Wikis later
                    today. Thank YOU! :)


                    I found

                    today and am sharing the link here in case it helps

                    Following the article instructions I could clone
                    but didn't seem able
                    to clone

                    I haven't yet found out if the wiki web interface
                    perhaps allows
                    non-committers to create pull requests on the fly
                    perhaps somehow.


                     > Amelia Eiras
                     > Tribe: <>
                     > <>
                     > OSS:
                     > On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 6:50 AM Scott Marlow
                    <smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx>
                     > <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx
                    <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx>>> wrote:
                     >     Hola Amelia,
                     >     I removed the platform ml from this response
                    as Kevin Sutter already
                     >     included enough information in his response.
                     >     On Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 4:27 PM Amelia Eiras
                    <aeiras@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:aeiras@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
                     >     <mailto:aeiras@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
                    <mailto:aeiras@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>>> wrote:
                     >         Hola Scott,
                     >         I am happy to help the wiki write-up
                    after it is started :)
                     >     I started some draft updates to create a few
                    levels of landing pages
                     >     via Please do
                     >     let me know if you are able to create a pull
                    request for the wiki.
                     >     I tried googling for how non-committers could
                    do that but didn't
                     >     find a reasonable solution.
                     >     I added a question to the Q+A sub-page about
                    how to add questions
                     >     and answered that questions can be added by
                    sending mail to the
                     >     Platform TCK mailing list.
                     >         Sadly, I always have a conflict at 8am
                    PDT on Tuesdays so I
                     >         cannot join the Platform calls, however
                    like you said, there is
                     >         no need to wait to start lowering the bar
                    to entry.
                     >     +1
                     >         I am most happy to work with you and
                    other Jakartees on the
                     >         documentation.
                     >     Thank you!
                     >         Lets not wait to have everything figured
                    out.  If we start the
                     >         write up, it is most likely that
                    #ossDOERs by jumping into help
                     >         with TCK, could help improve the process
                    itself, I see  them
                     >         submitting PRs against the
                    documenation that in turn helps to
                     >         clarify the reality of HOW TCK
                    Contributing Works.   Mojo is:
                     >         try, fail-fast & openly, learn, unlearn &
                     >     +1
                     >         Please pull me in when starting that
                    write-up. See you in git,
                     >         my ID: aeiras.
                     >     I included "@aeiras" in the comment for a
                    wiki page update, I'm not
                     >     sure if that is ignored or processed by github.
                     >         Abrazos,
                     >         Amelia Eiras
                     >         Tribe:
                     > <>
                     >         OSS:
                     >         On Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 9:23 AM Scott
                    Marlow <smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx>
                     >         <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx
                    <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx>>> wrote:
                     >             Amelia,
                     >             Adding platform-dev ml...
                     >             The Platform call wasn't scheduled
                    for today, so perhaps
                     >             next week there
                     >             can be discussion about the below.  I
                    did think more about
                     >             this and
                     >             would like to propose a few
                    adjustments to give the
                     >             community enough
                     >             time to give feedback but also meet
                    our schedule constraints.
                     >             With regard to Standalone TCK
                    deliverables, we can easily
                     >             stage new
                     >             builds of each Standalone TCKs,
                    however we can only promote
                     >             a specific
                     >             versioned Standalone TCK once (with
                    the last promoted TCK
                     >             version
                     >             targeted for EE 9 final release).
                     >             So from a TCK perspective, I propose
                    that contributors
                     >             review TCK
                     >             documentation and create pull
                    requests over the next N days,
                     >             where N is
                     >             to be discussed further (perhaps N
                    could be 10 calendar days
                     >             including
                     >             some non-working days or some other
                    duration yet to be
                     >             discussed).
                     >             Whatever N is for the final date to
                    create TCK documentation
                     >             pull
                     >             requests by, each SPEC API ballot
                    could work off of an
                     >             initial promoted
                     >             TCK (e.g. assuming no TCK test
                    failures and initial TCK doc
                     >             changes are
                     >             merged).
                     >             If subsequent TCK documentation pull
                    requests come in after
                     >             the SPEC API
                     >             ballot, the SPEC lead (or TCK team)
                    could push a new staged
                     >             Standalone
                     >             TCK update that could then be
                    promoted with the updated TCK
                     >             documentation.
                     >             The only negative is that each
                    Standalone TCK that is
                     >             promoted after the
                     >             respective SPEC API ballot is
                    approved, would need to be
                     >             copied to
                     > (along with
                    SHA sum).
                     >             I suggest that we start following ^
                    this week if no there
                     >             are no reasons
                     >             presented as to why we cannot abide
                    by the current schedule
                     >             for SPEC API
                     >             ballots and also still merge in
                    further TCK documentation
                     >             changes from
                     >             the community (while we have time
                    left for doing that after
                     >             SPEC API
                     >             ballots complete but before EE 9 is
                     >             More responses inline below.
                     >             On 8/3/20 6:24 PM, Amelia Eiras wrote:
                     >              > Scott,
                     >              >
                     >              > I think your explanation is quite
                    beneficial for
                     >             tomorrow's platform
                     >              > call, beyond that call and its
                     >              > Releases have a deadline, that
                    means that expectations
                     >             need to be fluid
                     >              > yet clearly stated to simplify the
                    process of the
                     >             release. I see you as
                     >              > a Mentor for this thread. :)
                     >             Thank you, I think that we all desire
                    to bring more
                     >             community to the
                     >             Jakarta EE Platform TCK.  IMO, we did
                    very well with getting
                     >             community
                     >             contributions for the big bang "EE 8
                    ==> EE 9" changes but
                     >             not as much
                     >             for other TCK changes, which could be
                    a number of reasons
                     >             (including
                     >             documentation/wiki need to provide
                    more 'how thinks work'
                     >             guidance to
                     >             developers.)
                     >              >
                     >              > After I read your reply on the why
                    of time, I finally
                     >             understood the
                     >              > workaround time-limits, the steps
                    1, 2...   when dealing
                     >             with the TCK.
                     >              > I would go further and ask for us
                    to start the wiki under
                     >             the TCK
                     >              > documenting this.
                     >             +1 I have been thinking that we
                    should update the initial
                     >             wiki page to
                     >             be a proper landing page that links
                    to sub-topics, so we can
                     >             have EE 9
                     >             development process topics as well as
                    user oriented topics
                     >             (really,
                     >             should have no friction against
                    adding any type of
                     >             sub-topics with no
                     >             limit on amount of nesting).
                     >              > With Jakarta EE, the TCK is public
                    yet its process is
                     >              > a complete vacuum with bare to
                    none documentation on what
                     >             to expect when
                     >              > contributing to it.
                     >             Yes, it is a lot different developing
                    the TCK than just
                     >             using it, many
                     >             of the contributors may not be users
                    of the TCKs yet, for those
                     >             contributors it is even harder to
                    understand the TCK internals.
                     >              >
                     >              > Up until now, we have never
                    discussed the bare minimum
                     >             expectations when
                     >              > TCK contributed. We ought to fix that.
                     >             +1
                     >              > Related to Jakarta EE
                    contributing-- last week, I was
                     >             candidly asked via
                     >              > a Java public forum on a private
                    slack group how much
                     >             time was ok to
                     >              > "wait" for a PR review/merge or
                    git issue accomplishment
                     >             under the
                     >              > Jakarta EE project *before asking
                    for help*. I said 72hrs
                     >             or so,
                     >              > patience and respect to
                    Contributors of the project means
                     >             we understand
                     >              > that their time, YOUR, MINE, OURS,
                    is the most precious
                     >             commodity & a
                     >              > contract if choosing to be a
                    #ossDOER that wants to have
                     >             impactful
                     >              > contributions.
                     >              >
                     >              > Lastly, I believe candid
                    conversations lead such as the
                     >             one you are
                     >              > beautifully facilitating lead to
                     >             Brainstorming and
                     >              > exchanges such as these ought to
                    make  you and I scalable.
                     >             +100 and thanks for taking the time
                    to contribute here!
                     >             I see good
                     >              > ideas, values  from those that
                    care to share *a
                     >              > direct acknowledgement to scale
                    stuff that is worth
                     >             broadening. * THAT I
                     >              > CARE THE MOST.
                     >             +100
                     >              >
                     >              > Hugs,
                     >             Ditto and have a great day! :-)
                     >             Scott
                     >              >
                     >              > Amelia Eiras
                     >              >
                     >             <>
                     >              > Tribe:
                     >              >
                     >              > OSS:
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              > On Mon, Aug 3, 2020 at 12:03 PM
                    Scott Marlow
                     >             <smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx
                    <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx>>
                     >              > <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx
                     >             wrote:
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >     On Mon, Aug 3, 2020 at 12:59
                    PM Amelia Eiras
                     >             <aeiras@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
                     >              >     <mailto:aeiras@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
                     >             <mailto:aeiras@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
                    <mailto:aeiras@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>>>> wrote:
                     >              >
                     >              >         Hola Scott,
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >     Hola Amelia,
                     >              >
                     >              >     Thanks for responding!
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >         I have bias feedback on
                    how the window to
                     >             receive feedback ought
                     >              >         to be set up.
                     >              >         Bare with me and thanks
                    for brainstorming after
                     >             you consume this
                     >              >         message.
                     >              >
                     >              >         If an issue/PR is sent on
                    Friday, do we expect
                     >             the contributors
                     >              >         to work on it over the
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >     I agree that we do not want
                    them to work on it over
                     >             the weekend.
                     >              >
                     >              >         If yes, why is that?
                     >              >
                     >              >         Should we assume that
                    contributions ought to
                     >             happen during the
                     >              >         work week instead?
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >     +1
                     >              >
                     >              >         WHY?
                     >              >         the 72 hours period for
                    example ought not to
                     >             contain the wknd.
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >     Whether it is 78 hours or some
                    other amount of time,
                     >             we still may
                     >              >     have additional standalone TCK
                    documentation pull
                     >             requests that come
                     >              >     in after we have "promotion"
                    (e.g. copied to
                     >              >
                     >              >     of the respective versioned
                    TCK.  For example, if
                     >              >
                     >             is promoted
                     >              >     on Wednesday instead of
                    Tuesday, a contributor could
                     >             notice on
                     >              >     Thursday that an important TCK
                    documentation should
                     >             be made, that we
                     >              >     could increment the version
                     >             to and
                     >              >     stage/promote that.
                     >              >
                     >              >     Fyi, the "stage" term refers
                    to copying the latest
                     >             nightly TCK build
                     >              >     to
                     >              >
                     >              >     and "promotion" refers to
                    creating a versioned TCK.
                     >              >
                     >              >     I'm not aware of any problems
                    with promoting multiple
                     >             versions of a
                     >              >     TCK, however there could be
                    time constraints that
                     >             dictate whether to
                     >              >     promote a specific TCK again.
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >         We as a community can
                    contribute any day we
                     >             choose to, HOWEVER
                     >              >         we ought to be aware AND
                    PROTECTIVE that weekends
                     >             for many of us
                     >              >         are free of professional
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >     Another approach could be to
                    start the time clock now
                     >             by emailing
                     >              >     all of the various SPEC API
                    contributors that their
                     >             feedback on the
                     >              >     TCK documentation contained in
                    the respective TCK zip in
                     >              >
                     >              >     is welcome in the form of pull
                    requests on
                     >              >
                     >             advantage of
                     >              >     this approach is that
                    contributors would have more
                     >             time to contribute.
                     >              >
                     >              >     Another advantage of emailing
                    all SPEC API
                     >             contributors now is that
                     >              >     we don't yet have issues for
                    all of the SPEC API TCKs
                     >             created yet,
                     >              >     so sending a generic email to
                    all could help get the
                     >             message out
                     >              >     sooner so the TCK
                    documentation pull requests can
                     >             come in sooner.
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >         As such, I would recommend
                    that the August 4th
                     >             gets moved to
                     >              >         later to honor that
                    weekend ought not to be
                     >             included (yet are
                     >              >         awesome plus to have) on
                    the window to contribute.
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >     Also of importance is to keep
                    the SPEC API ballots
                     >             moving along and
                     >              >     not getting blocked on the
                    promotion of TCKs, as well
                     >             as not getting
                     >              >     blocked on the TCK team
                    creating the tracking issues
                     >             for promoting TCKs.
                     >              >
                     >              >     So, if we delay the August 4th
                    TCK promotions until
                     >             August 6th and
                     >              >     send generic email today to
                    all of the SPEC API
                     >             mailing lists to
                     >              >     review their respective staged
                    TCK zips (and create
                     >             pull requests on
                     >              >
                     >             changes
                     >              >     that are needed), that might
                    be more helpful.
                     >              >
                     >              >     The following schedule (from
                    Ed's original email from
                     >             this thread)
                     >              >     is what we are trying to
                    achieve with regard to
                     >             promoting the TCKs:
                     >              >
                     >              >     "
                     >              >
                     >              >       * Wave 0 (Any time)
                     >              >
                     >              >       * Concurrency
                     >              >       * Messaging
                     >              >       * Persistence
                     >              >       * (From the Platform TCK)
                     >              >           o Web Services Metadata
                     >              >
                     >              >       * Wave 1 (Any time)
                     >              >
                     >              >       * Annotations
                     >              >       * Expression Language
                     >              >       * JSON Processing
                     >              >       * Servlet
                     >              >       * SOAP with Attachments
                     >              >       * WebSocket
                     >              >
                     >              >       * Wave 2 (Planned to start
                    July 28)
                     >              >
                     >              >       * Authentication
                     >              >       * Authorization
                     >              >       * JSON Binding
                     >              >       * Server Pages
                     >              >
                     >              >       * Wave 3 (Planned to start
                    Aug 5)
                     >              >
                     >              >       * XML Web Services
                     >              >
                     >              >       * Wave 4 (Planned to start
                    Aug 11)
                     >              >
                     >              >       * RESTful Web Services
                     >              >       * Transaction
                     >              >
                     >              >       * Wave 5 (Planned to start
                    Aug 18)
                     >              >
                     >              >       * Connectors
                     >              >       * Standard Tag Library
                     >              >       * (From the Platform TCK)
                     >              >           o Enterprise Beans
                     >              >           o Enterprise Web Services
                     >              >
                     >              >       * Wave 6 (Planned to start
                    Aug 25
                     >              >
                     >              >       * Security
                     >              >       * Server Faces
                     >              >
                     >              >       * Wave 7 (Planned to start
                    Aug 31)
                     >              >
                     >              >       * Jakarta EE Web Profile
                     >              >       * Jakarta EE Platform
                     >              >
                     >              >     "
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >         Stay awesome formidable
                    #ossDOER and happy August
                     >             to everyone here,
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >     Thanks, you too! :-)
                     >              >
                     >              >     Scott
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >         Amelia Eiras
                     >              >
                     >             <>
                     >              >         Tribe:
                     >              >
                     >              >         OSS:
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >         On Mon, Aug 3, 2020 at
                    7:35 AM Scott Marlow
                     >             <smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx
                    <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx>>
                     >              >         <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx
                     >             <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx
                    <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx>>>> wrote:
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >             On Thu, Jul 30, 2020
                    at 9:57 PM Scott Marlow
                     >              >             <smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx
                     >             <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx
                    <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx>
                     >             <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx
                    <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx>>>> wrote:
                     >              >
                     >              >                 The committer
                    teams need to review the
                     >             staged TCK
                     >              >                 content and give their
                     >              >                 +1 for the
                    relevant TCK bundle to be
                     >             promoted.  The
                     >              >                 promotion will
                     >              >                 freeze the TCK for
                    release, which
                     >             essentially means it
                     >              >                 is frozen.  If a
                     >              >                 blocking change in
                    a TCK is needed, we
                     >             will re-release
                     >              >                 with a
                     >              >                 incremented
                    version number as mentioned
                     >             below.
                     >              >
                     >              >                 The possible
                    states that TCKs can
                     >             transition through are:
                     >              >
                     >              >                 *  Staged via
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >                 (each TCK zip may
                    be updated multiple times).
                     >              >
                     >              >                 *  Promoted via
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >                 (each versioned
                    TCK zip is frozen
                     >             immediately, further
                     >              >                 changes can only
                     >              >                 appear via a
                    version number increment).
                     >              >
                     >              >                 *  Final release
                    for Jakarta EE 9 via
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >                 On 7/27/20 11:21
                    AM, Ed Bratt wrote:
                     >              >                  > Due to how the
                    Specification Committee
                     >             has defined
                     >              >                 the process, any
                     >              >                  > change to the
                    TCK requires are
                     >             re-release -- Docs.
                     >              >                 change, Exclude List
                     >              >                  > change,
                    anything else that would
                     >             change content
                     >              >                 and/or generate a
                     >              >                  > forces a
                    version number increment.
                     >              >                  >
                     >              >                  > I think the
                    procedures described below
                     >             will allow us
                     >              >                 to stop builds,
                     >              >                  > once a
                    Specification has gone to
                     >             ballot. So, that's
                     >              >                 my first concern. We
                     >              >                  > just need to
                    follow the ballot
                     >             progress closely and
                     >              >                 not inadvertently
                     >              >                  > create an
                    update that wasn't asked for.
                     >              >
                     >              >                   From a process
                    point of view, I think
                     >             that the SPEC API
>              >  representative/lead/committers can help
                     >             determine when
                     >              >                 it is time for
                     >              >                 the relevant TCK
                    to transition from
                     >             Staged to Promoted
                     >              >                 state.
                     >              >
                     >              >                 Question, if we
                    don't hear feedback from
                     >             a SPEC lead or
                     >              >                 committers, who
                     >              >                 can make the
                    decision to proceed with
                     >             Promoting the
                     >              >                 TCK?  Also how long
                     >              >                 should we wait for
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >             There is no perfect
                    amount of time to wait
                     >             for feedback, if
                     >              >             we make it too short,
                    we may need to
                     >             stage/promote a newer
                     >              >             standalone TCK version
                    for further changes.
                     >             If we make it
                     >              >             too long, we may never
                    hear feedback and could
                     >              >             jeopardize the EE 9
                     >              >
                     >              >             I'm thinking that we
                    can wait a few days
                     >             after pinging the
                     >              >             SPEC API teams
                    (whether it is sending email
                     >             or pinging
                     >              >             lead(s)).
                     >              >
                     >              >             For example, for
                     >              >
                     >              >             sent email to
                    ca-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ca-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
                     >             <mailto:ca-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
                    <mailto:ca-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ca-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
                     >             <mailto:ca-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
                     >              >             on Friday July 31 and will
>              >  promote
                     >             first thing on
                     >              >             Tuesday August 4, 2020
                    if we do not hear
                     >             feedback.
                     >              >
                     >              >             Worse case, we could
                    later stage
>              >  a if
                     >             further TCK pull
                     >              >             requests for
                    documentation changes are important.
                     >              >
                     >              >             Scott
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >                 Good news, it is
                    now time for Staged
>              >
                     >              >                 to be reviewed via
                     >              >
                     >              >                 Feedback is
                     >              >                 welcome (link to
                    staged TCK zip is in the
                     >             issue)!
                     >              >
                     >              >                 Also good news, it
                    is now time for Staged
>              >
                     >             to be reviewed
                     >              >                 via
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >                 Once the relevant
                    SPEC API lead and/or
                     >             committers has
                     >              >                 given their
                     >              >                 approval via the
                    relevant jakartaee-tck
                     >             issue, we will
                     >              >                 Promote the
                     >              >                 related TCK.
                     >              >
                     >              >                 We have created
                    some other similar
                     >             "Review and promote "
                     >              >                 tracking issues
                     >              >                 for other TCKs but
                    help is needed to
                     >             created tracking
                     >              >                 issues for other
                     >              >                 TCKs still (open
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >                 for current issues).
                     >              >
                     >              >                 Scott
                     >              >
>              >  _______________________________________________
                     >              >             jakartaee-tck-dev
                    mailing list
                     >              > jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
                     >             <mailto:jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
>              >  <mailto:jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
                     >             <mailto:jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
                     >              >             To unsubscribe from
                    this list, visit
                     >              >
                     >              >
>              >  _______________________________________________
                     >              >         jakartaee-tck-dev mailing list
                     >              > jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
                     >             <mailto:jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
                     >             <mailto:jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
                     >             <mailto:jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
                     >              >         To unsubscribe from this
                    list, visit
                     >              >
                     >              >
>              >  _______________________________________________
                     >              >     jakartaee-tck-dev mailing list
                     >              > jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
                     >             <mailto:jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
                     >             <mailto:jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
                     >             <mailto:jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
                     >              >     To unsubscribe from this list,
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              >
                     >              > jakartaee-tck-dev mailing list
                     >              > jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
                     >             <mailto:jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
                     >              > To unsubscribe from this list, visit
                     >              >

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