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Re: [jakartaee-spec-project-leads] Publishing TCK results; TCK location; TCK documentation review

On Jul 26, 2019, at 7:40 AM, Steve Millidge (Payara) <steve.millidge@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have no preference. I can raise on glassfish-dev. I had assumed we would only host the full CTS results for GlassFish 5.1 as a compatible implementation of Jakarta EE 8 not for every spec.

Raising the issue there would be great.  In terms of which results need hosting, my assumption is it would be for any spec where GlassFish is listed as the compatible implementation.  Based in Bill's recent email, that'd be:

 - Java EE Platform
 - Java EE Web Profile
 - Managed Beans
 - Servlets
 - EJB
 - Concurrency Utilities for Java EE
 - Java EE Connector Architecture
 - Java Transaction API
 - Common Annotations
 - Interceptors
 - JSP
 - JSP Debugging
 - Management
 - Web Services
 - Deployment 
 - Web Service Metadata

Taken from this list:


From: jakartaee-spec-project-leads-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <jakartaee-spec-project-leads-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Tom Jenkinson
Sent: 26 July 2019 14:45
To: JakartaEE Spec Project Leadership discussions <jakartaee-spec-project-leads@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [jakartaee-spec-project-leads] Publishing TCK results; TCK location; TCK documentation review
Responding to "The compatible implementation needs to post *their* TCK results summary"
If I am following this right, maybe Steve Millidge (as the project lead of Glassfish) has some preference for how Glassfish show they are a compatible implementation of the various specifications?
I can host the Jakarta Transactions results on the jta-api github pages (once activated) but I am not sure if Glassfish might not be the better place to collate the results of all APIs that it wishes to assert it is compliant of?
On Wed, 24 Jul 2019 at 20:53, Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

And for Jakarta Transactions I would expect that Compatible Implementation to be Eclipse GlassFish 5.1.

This will be true for the specs that don't have a separate standalone implementation.

David Blevins wrote on 7/24/19 9:33 AM:
Reminder to everyone that we need one compatible implementation to finalize a spec.  The compatible implementation needs to post *their* TCK results summary.  The TCK Process document says the TCK results are not just the finished list of tests, but also:
 - Product Name, Version and download URL (if applicable)
 - Implementation runtime Version(s) tested
 - Java runtime used to run the implementation
 - Summary of the information for the certification environment, operating system, cloud, ...
 - Statement of Acceptance of the terms of the EFTL
 - Specification Name, Version and download URL
 - TCK Version, digital SHA-256l fingerprint and download URL
 - A statement attesting that all TCK requirements have been met, including any compatibility rules

The product needs to be there unambiguously with download url, etc. 

David Blevins
On Jul 24, 2019, at 9:20 AM, Tom Jenkinson <tom.jenkinson@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks Bill, I will update CI to use the staged EFTL TCK then.
I raised to get gh-pages enabled for Jakarta Transactions.
As per Arjan suggestion I will try to make the link similar to<specname>/<version>/TCK-Results.html as probably having the version number in there is going to be useful.
On Wed, 24 Jul 2019 at 17:07, Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I think hosting the TCK results in the spec project would be fine.  If you need GitHub Pages enabled for your project and can't do it yourself, I'm sure you can file a bug at Eclipse to have it done.

For the final approval, you should be using the EFTL-licensed version of the TCK (although admittedly they differ only in the license file).  And the PR for approval needs to link to that version of the TCK.

Tom Jenkinson wrote on 7/24/19 4:42 AM:
From your email I am not entirely certain whether it would be Glassfish as the "Compatible Implementation" project which should host the TCK results file for Jakarta Transactions or whether the API project should host it instead? I saw Jakarta Mail providing it themselves but that is an implementation too in the project so it seemed OK to do that. Assuming it is OK for an API project to host results for Glassfish, do we just need to create something like: (but I suppose we need to ask someone to enable Github pages on our repos (
Regarding the TCK location itself I currently use to test the JTA API changes so I assume I should I be moving my CI to use instead? I don't think I saw that elsewhere yet.
On Tue, 23 Jul 2019 at 22:50, Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Once you've decided where to publish your TCK results, please edit your Pull Request and add this entry:

- [ ] The URL of the TCK results summary:
      <add URL here>

and fill it in with a link to your TCK results.  Example here:


Bill Shannon wrote on 7/23/19 12:32 PM:
> I wanted to summarize a few discussions that have occurred recently.
> There's some important details here; sorry this message is so long.
> - Publishing TCK results
> TCK results need to be published in a permanent, stable location for
> each release of a Compatible Implementation.  TCK results should *not*
> be included as content in the Pull Request.
> TCK results should be published in some location related to the project,
> e.g., on the project's web site, on the project's wiki, or in the
> project's repository.  It's up to the project where to publish them.
> For example, I've published the results for Jakarta Mail here:
> TCK results need only include the summary/total lines from the JavaTest
> output (as in the example above).  The complete list of which tests have
> been passed is not required, but may be included.
> - TCK location
> The staged version of the EFTL-licensed TCK for a project should be
> published in the project's download area on
> Currently most of the TCKs are created in the jakartaee-tck project.
> The staged versions of these TCKs are available here:
> The URL of the staged TCK zip file should be included in the
> Pull Request.
> For projects produced outside of the jakartaee-tck project, we recommend
> a directory structure under of the following form:
> <project>/tck/eftl/   - staged EFTL-license versions of the TCK
> <project>/tck/epl/    - EPL licensed non-final versions of the TCK
> This is only a recommendation; projects are free to organize their download
> directory however they want.
> After approval, the TCKs will be signed and published at this location:
> where <project> is the project's short name from the "Code" column of
> this spreadsheet:
> This download location should appear in the file of the
> Pull Request.
> - TCK documentation review
> We strongly encourage all Project Leads to review the documentation,
> and especially the TCK User's Guide, included with the TCK zip files.
> Any problems with the documentation should be corrected via Pull Requests
> to the appropriate TCK project (e.g., jakartaee-tck), or via issues filed.
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