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Re: [jakartaee-spec-project-leads] Publishing TCK results; TCK location; TCK documentation review

Once you've decided where to publish your TCK results, please edit your Pull Request and add this entry:

- [ ] The URL of the TCK results summary:
      <add URL here>

and fill it in with a link to your TCK results.  Example here:


Bill Shannon wrote on 7/23/19 12:32 PM:
> I wanted to summarize a few discussions that have occurred recently.
> There's some important details here; sorry this message is so long.
> - Publishing TCK results
> TCK results need to be published in a permanent, stable location for
> each release of a Compatible Implementation.  TCK results should *not*
> be included as content in the Pull Request.
> TCK results should be published in some location related to the project,
> e.g., on the project's web site, on the project's wiki, or in the
> project's repository.  It's up to the project where to publish them.
> For example, I've published the results for Jakarta Mail here:
> TCK results need only include the summary/total lines from the JavaTest
> output (as in the example above).  The complete list of which tests have
> been passed is not required, but may be included.
> - TCK location
> The staged version of the EFTL-licensed TCK for a project should be
> published in the project's download area on
> Currently most of the TCKs are created in the jakartaee-tck project.
> The staged versions of these TCKs are available here:
> The URL of the staged TCK zip file should be included in the
> Pull Request.
> For projects produced outside of the jakartaee-tck project, we recommend
> a directory structure under of the following form:
> <project>/tck/eftl/	- staged EFTL-license versions of the TCK
> <project>/tck/epl/	- EPL licensed non-final versions of the TCK
> This is only a recommendation; projects are free to organize their download
> directory however they want.
> After approval, the TCKs will be signed and published at this location:
> where <project> is the project's short name from the "Code" column of
> this spreadsheet:
> This download location should appear in the file of the
> Pull Request.
> - TCK documentation review
> We strongly encourage all Project Leads to review the documentation,
> and especially the TCK User's Guide, included with the TCK zip files.
> Any problems with the documentation should be corrected via Pull Requests
> to the appropriate TCK project (e.g., jakartaee-tck), or via issues filed.

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