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  • [] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta JSON Binding 2.0, Kevin Sutter
  • [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta JSON Processing 2.0, Ivar Grimstad
  • [] Separate the post ballot checklist into one for the mentor and one for project team, Scott Stark
  • [] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta SOAP with Attachments 2.0, Kevin Sutter
  • [] BALLOT: Jakarta Activation 2.0 Specification, Scott Stark
  • Re: [] [EXTERNAL] BALLOT: Approval to Release CDI 3.0, Kevin Sutter
  • [] BALLOT: Approval to Release CDI 3.0, Kevin Sutter
  • [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Mail 2.0, Werner Keil
  • [] Congratulations to the Bean Validation 3.0 team! The first successful Specification for Jakarta EE 9!, Kevin Sutter
  • [] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta Authorization 2.0, Andrew Pielage
  • Re: [] Updated reference to EFSL and to indicate the specification (#98), Hussain.NM
  • [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta EE Dependency Injection 2.0, Ed Bratt

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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